Life....: July 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

7 Months Old Today

My sweet sweet little boy... you are offically 7 months old today! Wow how you have grown over the last 7 months and its hard to believe you have been in my life for 16 months. You are such a joy... last night you suprised me by sleeping all the way through the night. You often wake up crying and I come and snuggle you and you are fast asleep again. It has been particurlay hard the last few days with you waking multiple times a night but I know when you are ready too you will sleep peacefully through the night.

Some of your milestones:
- you can definatly roll all over the place
- you are trying to crawl and your soo darling as you try
- you love to pull yourself into a standing position especially during bath time...
- you love your jumperoo and even when your not in it you are trying to jump!
- you love Max (grandma's dog) and I think he loves you
- you have regular play dates with baby Kella.. and on a rare occasion you even get a playdate with Aiden and Kaitlyn
- you love to give wet sloppy kisses and I love to recieve them
- you have started reaching for me anytime I'm near and than you cling to me like you never want me to let go... I never want to let go...
- you really are my little ham.. any chance you get you ham it up for the people around you, just so they aww and ohh over you... it makes me smile and reminds me of myself!
- you also love love love praise music.. anytime you need to calm down I just put on some praise music and sing to you and most of the time it works
- you adore the beach...
- you are teething which makes for some hard periods in the day where you scream but its all worth it...
- you also have this very loud beautiful voice that you like to use all the time... I am so thankful to be able to hear it... please never stop talking to your mama

All in all son you are the love of my life and I cannot wait to see you grow and change in the many months to come. Don't grow up to fast though cause I don't want to miss a thing. Thank you for being a light in my life and for loving me as your mom unconditionally.. I hope I will always make you proud as a mom and you can look back one day and know how much I loved and cherished every second that I got with you. You are the best little boy... I love you! Happy 7 month birthday!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4th of July! My little Cowboy!

Little boy for the 4th of July we had LOTS of fun! We went swimming at your Aunt Jackies with your grandparents and cousin! We dressed you up like a cowboy and we took a really long nap! You loved the swimming part! You are going to be a very good swimmer I think when you get older! You were in your little float and you could kick your little legs and it would propel you across the pool! It was sooo funny I was very proud of you. Than you cousin Nathan let us borrow his cowboy boots and hat and we dressed you up as a cowboy! You were sooo cute and I think you rather enjoyed it! Me and you also took a very long nap! All together it was a really nice day! I just wish Daddy could have been there but he had to work! Well I love you baby boy and you are just such a little blessing!

*** Blogger is not letting me add photos so i will do this later :-)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 5- June 27th and Six Month Birthday

We made it to the end of our vacation! Today is your 6 month birthday and the day we head back to Florida! It was bittersweet leaving because it mean't we wouldn't see your Uncle Ryan or Aunt Michelle for a very long time. But it was nice to be going back home.. I missed my bed, your bed ( so you weren't in bed with me), my car and just being at our home.

Before we left Daddy wanted to go visit Lincoln Park. So you, me Daddy and this time Grandma Bell loaded up and headed to the park before we took off the the airport. It was the coldest this day that it had been all week!It was in the 70's and very very windy! While we were there you were literally getting blown away! It was nice to see all the different things. We had to rush through to make sure we got to our plane though.

So off we go now headed to the airport! We get there load up and head to Florida! You were really really good on the way home. I think its cause it was a night flight so you basically slept the whole second half! PRaise Jesus! We make it home finally get to our house at 2:00 am. I put you poor little sleepy boy to bed! Praise Jesus though that we made it safe and sound with all of our luggage and our sweet baby boy!

This trip was certainly a learning experiance... at times it brought out the worst and the best between me and your Daddy. Its hard in these high stress situations but we made it. While watching Uncle Ryan and Aunt Michelle get married it helped me remember what marriage is all about. Its about a life long commitment through thick and thin. Through the good times and the bad times me and your Daddy are going to stick together. Not only because we have you but because we love and are committed to eachother! I am thankful that we went not only for our wonderful trip to be with family on this special day but to learn and remember this valuable lesson. Sometimes we all need a gentle reminder what love, commitment and marriage are all about! Thank you for being our son.. the greatest blessing that has ever been bestowed upon your Daddy and I (besides Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins so we can one day all be in heaven!). We love you Pierce and our lives are so much fuller because of you...

Day 4 - June 26th! Ryan and Michelle's Wedding!

We have made it to the fourth day of our trip! Mama had to get up early and leave to get my hair done! You stayed and hung out with Daddy all day until picture time! You went swimming in the indoor swimming pool and had a great time! You really are such a joy and missed you so much while I was gone!

Well wedding time arrives! Your new Aunt Michelle looked absolutly stunning! I am so happy that she chose to marry my brother! They got married at what is known as the old jailhouse! It was converted to a house many years ago and before your Uncle Ryan got married he lived there!
IT was absoutly beautiful the scenery! We were afraid all day that it was going to rain but praise God it didn't! The ceremony came off without a hitch! You were a good boy and Daddy held you in the back while you slept!

Off we go to the Reception which was at the Raddison Hotel! Thank goodness it was there because that was also where we were staying! We danced the night away! YOu had such a good time with mama dancing at you and with you! Daddy and Mama also got a slow dance in while Great Grandma Dyal held you! Daddy did happen to tell mama that he was having such a nice time dancing with me that we should do it more often and I agree! Well around 10:00 pm you poor little thing couldn't keep your eyes open so off we went to our room and to bed. What a beautiful and blessed day we had and it was all the more better because you were there to expierance it with us!

Day 3... Rehersal and Zoo!

Off to the zoo we go! Me, you and Daddy headed the zoo bright early in the morning! We had such a nice time at the zoo. The zoo in Bismarck, ND is sooo different than any zoo in Florida. Its basically like a huge park that has all these wild animals that you can touch and feed. It was really really cool how up close and personal you could get with the bears, monkey's, bison, prarie dogs that run wild, birds, lions, deer and really any wild animal you could imagine. You were such a good boy all day and just cruised around in your stroller!

Mama was pretty tired b/c 1. lack of sleep with a foot in my rib all night 2. being out late for the party 3. you waking at 6:00 am.. Good times! But we made it! IT was pretty hot in ND and it seems that we brought Fl with us. So we had a good time at the zoo.

Later that day we had the rehersal dinner. You were such a good boy as always! We called it any early night because we had a long day the next day ahead of us! It was almost time for Uncle Ryan and Michelle to tie the not!

Day 2.... exhausted!

Day 2 baby bear we made it through the night. YEs you were up at 5:30 am but thank you Jesus we were right next door too your grandparents so guess where you went.. Over there! Thank goodness your grandpa Bell loves you so much LOL! So day two Daddy you and I head over the the Bad Lands. Its about a 2.5 hour drive. You were soo good on the way there. It rained most of the drive and we had to pull over in a podunk town for gas but we made it!
Its a state park that looks like the Grand Canyon I guess. I wouldn't really know I have never been there. So off we go exploring!

Thank goodness the park is one that you could drive the whole way through! There was places to hike but because we had you with us we had to put that on the back burner! We saw tons and tons of prarie dogs! One Buffalo (poor daddy looked and looked for one and it was like 2 miles away but we saw it) some wild horses and beautiful scenery! It was really a very nice time! YOu were such a good boy the whole time we were driving around considering you HATE your carseat!

So we begin to head back because mama has a bachelorette party for your new Aunt Michelle! So off we go! Thank goodness for Daddy! He is sooo good to you! He took care of you all evening of course with the help of my extended family but none the less did. You have one good daddy and I have one Great hubby! So off to day 3!

Trip to North Dakota... Day 1

The first day of our trip to North Dakota was quite busy and stressful! Today was the first day that you were going to be on a plane ride! We got up bright and early on Tuesday morning and were out the door headed to your Grandma and Grandpa Bell's. We get there load up and head to the Airport!
The first ride to MN was about 3.5 hours. YOu did really good. You really enjoyed looking out the window. You didn't scream or fuss much so I count that a success. We had about an hour layover in MN. You just enjoyed yourself there.

The last flight was on a tiny plane. It was about an hour long. You basically screamed the last 20 min b/c it was late and I think you were ready to bed. So there we are flying you screaming me sweating.. but we made it!

So we are landed in ND and at the hotel. Everyone was going out but I just couldn't do it. I was so exhausted and felt sick it just wasn't going to happen. So you and I stayed back at the hotel. Well they brought your crib in.. Oh goodness was that a nightmare. It was a metal crib that had a too small mattress.. Needless to say you refused to sleep in it and slept in bed with mama everynight. What a way to start a 4 day trip... The time change also really screwed you up... you were up every morning by 6am or earlier. CRAZY! But we made. Now we are off to day two!

Your first Father's Day!

Where to start! Your first father's day was spent with Grandma, Grandpa Bell and Mama! Daddy went fishing with the guys in his family so we were on our own! We went over to G-ma's and G-pa's and went to church with them!
It was really nice and we had a great sermon. After church all four of us went to lunch! You were sooo cute! You tried to to drink out of G-ma's water and got the straw in your eye! Of course I laughed! You were also such a big boy in your highchair! We had a lot of fun and were able to relax and g-ma and G-pa's at their house. A little later that day we went home and met Daddy there around 7:00pm.

Since Daddy wasn't going to be with you on Father's day we sort of celebrated it the day before with Daddy and his whole family and extended family.
Everyone was in town. You got to spend a lot of time with all of your Aunt's and Uncles and with your little cousins! You were such a good boy of course like usual! It is just so much fun to see how much you grow and change everyday!

All together I think your first Father's day was ok! I'm glad we atleast had my Dad to spend it with! I love you baby bear you are the best and thank you for bringing so much joy into mine and your Daddy's lives!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Six Month Professional Photo Shoot!

6 Month Photos taken on July 1, 2009 at Sears!

6 month check-up and 1st boat ride!

Baby boy... Oh how much you have grown! You had your six month check up on Friday June 19, 2009. You are now 26 inches long and 17.85 lbs! You are quite a handful now adays and just so full of energy. When the Dr. saw you she made a comment that you are going to be a "wild thing" and "the class clown"! You make me so proud! While we were there you decided that you should roll all over the table! All I can do is laugh. You shredded the table paper cover. I just love you to pieces. My life would surely be so boreing with out you! You are right on track and everything about you is perfect!

We took you on your first boat ride the weekend before Father's day down the St. Johns river! We went with your Nanny and Poppy Bell! You weren't too sure about it but you didn't seem to complain to much! I really love watching all of your expressions. YOu didn't cry at all and in fact you eventually fell asleep! You are just such a little cutie and you really bring so much joy to my life! You have these baby lips that are to die for! Thank you such a good boy! I love you baby boy!