Pman!! Today you are 29 months old! You are speaking like crazy! Today was the last day of school. You love your teachers Ms. Jackie and Ms. Lynsie. You let me take a pic of you three today and it turned out very nice. Today you had water day and I know had a blast. When I dropped you off this morning you had some major meltdowns. It was very intense but you settled down immediatly after I left. He its your birthday and you can cry if you want to ;-).
You are growing like a weed in so many ways. I want to tell a funny story of what you said..
We were sitting on the couch and Mommy made a gas sound... You start laughing hysterically you point at me and said "MOMMY TOOTED" "EWWWWWWW TOOTED!" IT was hysterical I was laughing so hard. I though for sure you would have used a more vulgar word but you didn't. I about died!
You also are quite a sassy little thing. You like to use the word now after ever demand. The other night you told me to "Shut the door NOW" You tell me in the morning you are "ready NOW!".
You are just growing so fast you kiss your brother all the time and love on him constantly I love this. THis is very special to me. You brother can finally sit up on his own from a lay down position today was the first time he did it. Pierce i love you you are a great son and a wonderful brother! I can't wait to see what the next many years bring. I love you little boy.
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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