Pierce! You are growing like a weed and talkign like crazy. Your teach pulled me aside on Friday and said your vocabulary and your speech has improved 100%. You say the funniest things... here are some:
- Where is Aunt Jojo ( Jori)
- Chase Me
- Mommy go to playground
- Swing me mama
- I'm a Monkey ohh ee ahh ahh LOL
- Thats Daddy's Brother (Eric)
There are so many other things you say now you say full sentances all the time. Everytime we pass McDonalds you yell for it and say PLAYGROUND! You are just so full of energy and spunk. With your older cousins you are definatly the boss man I love it! You push them on the toys you chase them you are absolutly hysterical and everyone loves you. Son you are honestly one of the most beautiful little human beings I have seen... You also love your brother!!
Hayden! Oh my little bright blue eyed Cherub baby! I ADORE YOU!! You are truly the sweetest little thing. you still arent' crawling but you love your walker. You are just so funny and make me laugh constantly . One of the sweetest things about you is when you are nursing and sleepy you start pulling your hair. I know its time to put you down and i love it. You are my little snuggle bug. You have an appetite like a little monster! Your LOVE to eat! Hay I love you so much and I am so thankful for my two precious boys. You make me truly want another baby. Who knows if one day you will be a big brother! For now your the little brother and I LOVE YOU!!
Thank you Jesus for these little bundles of joy!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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