My little Hayden bug! You are officially over 9 months old. You are growing like a weed. I love you little boy. So here are some things about you...
- you still don't crawl or scoot
- your a great sitter
- you can now stand holding onto something but only if you put you there you don't stand up.
- you run after everybody when you are in your walker and are into everything. You think its funny
- you sleep much better and tend to get up atleast once a night to eat. I'll take that over 2-3 times!
- You and your brother were both sick recently and you both kept me up for four nights straight it was aweful but I love you.
- you still have 0 teeth LOL You have a nice set of gums
- you prefer table food over anything else and you eat a half of peanut butter sandwich every single day
- you still nurse 5-7 times a day
- I left you for the first time in the evening and your grandma put you to bed. It was the first time I had ever done that. I missed you but I was thankful for some time away with Daddy
- you adore your brother and you always want to be with him I love it
- your brother asks where you are whenever you are out of sight so I know he loves you to
- we drove up to Port St Joe it took 6 hours and you didn't cry once you are now a WONDERFUL traveler!
- you love your mama the most :-)
Hayden you are a gem and i love you. i am so thankful that God blessed me with you as my son! I cannot wait to see what the many years ahead of us hold. You are my blue eyed boy and I adore you!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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