Hayden! Where has the time gone. I can't believe you are already 10 months old! You are a beautiful little boy and have the biggest beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. You really have a very good personaily. THe only problem is you still don't sleep through the night! You still wake atleast once if not multiple times! It kills me but honestly one day sooner that I would like you will not need me anymore! So I will take the cuddles in the early mornings while I can.
You are such a joy. Your new nickname is Bambam! You are a tough little boy and very strong. You are starting to move around lots more and you are into everything. You still adore your little brother and he adores you. You are starting to eat baby food way less and prefer whatever food we or your brother are eating. So we have to work on that constantly. WE are slowly weaning also. You get a bottle one to two times a day so hopefully soon you will be fully weaned. You prefer a bottle it seems because you are awfully busy and get very distracted!
You now say Dadadada lots and it is so cute. You smile almost constantly unless you are tired, hungry, or need attention. I love you little boy to pieces. Its probably a good thing you don't sleep through the night because if you did you would be basically perfect than we might have one more child. WE definatly don't need another baby yet. Well we love and adore you and I am so thankful God has blessed us with you!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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