I find myself wanting to write more because I never want to forget a moment with you boys! You both are the light of my life. Tonight was especially beautiful! Daddy is working a double so its just you guys and your mommy! We had a very busy day and mommy had to work for about 3 hours this afternoon you and you two were so good. You entertained eachother, you laughed, you drew on your chalkboard, you raced on your scooter and haydens walker! You both were just soo well behaved. After I finished working I told you Pierce that I woudl take you and Hay on a wagon ride and you could have some ice pops. So thats exactly what we did.
It wasn't so bad being it was 7:00pm at night. So we walked all the way around the block. you both laughing and giggling as you ate your ice pops. You cheering eachother. Pierce you take your ice pops and you ding it on your brothers and yell CHEERS! Its awesome. After you finished your pop you decided you wanted to pull your brother so you did just that! You kept telling him we were "almost there" you really are so good at taking care of your brother! You are awesome.
When we got home into the bath both of you went. Ya'll played and played. Hay you are starting to disobey more and more and you do it with a smile on your face. Today was the first day that you sat up by yourself from a lay down position. I'm proud of you. You also were pulling yourself up in the bathtub on the side. Everytime I told you to get down you grinned and kept on pulling up.
Finally it was out of the bath into pjs with milk and bottles in mommies bed. I held and loved on you two. I put Hay to bed and me and P snuggled. Than after your show I told you we shoudl brush your teeth so you screamed a little and than amazing enough you let me brush it. The whole time laughing and being silly. This made my night even more beautiful because we didnt' have the fight. You weren't ready for bed but it was time so we went to your room and you let me read you two WHOLE books! I loved it! Than you piled the books in your bed to read on your own. You said "bye mom" I reminded you my name was mommy and I told you I loved you and you told me back! Pierce I adore you. You are the sweetest loving little boy ever and so well behaved. I am soo lucky to have you both in my life! I am loving my life right now and loving you guys!!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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