Life....: 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

36 weeks and 2 days

So I went to the Dr. today! Good news.. I am:

1.5 cm dilated
60% effaced
-2 station
very soft cervix
very short cervix

Woo HOO!!! Hopefully this means the baby will be here anytime now. I am sooo excited and ready to meet my little man. 3 different people who do not know eachother have said they think the little guy will come on the 19Th of December. That would be GREAT!!! I just want a happy healthy baby! I can't wait for him to be here. Both Kyle and I are scared but thats ok! Everything will work out and we will have a beautiful baby boy!!!!

I will keep you updated! Love Kyle, Laurel & Pierce!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What a day Yesterday!!! 35 weeks and 1 day!

Well.. Where do I start off...

Things have been pretty rough the last 2 weeks. I have been suffering with a severe UTI and have been on antibiotics for the last 2 weeks and for the next week coming up. I am so ready for it to be gone. Basically since I have had this I have had to miss a few days of work. Its not good because of course right now thats what I need the most is the money.

Well yesterday I had an appt at 10:15 at my Dr.s office. I got up and worked from home for an hour. I decided I needed to go potty around 9:00 I went to the bathroom and look down and what do I see... BLOOD!! I freaked out of course cause baby Pierce hadn't been moving much that morning and I thought something was horribly wrong. I call my Dr and they tell me to go straight to L&D at the hospital. So on my way I'm calling Kyle hysterically telling him the awful things I thought that had happened and all my family to pray for Pierce and for him to have a heart beat. So I make it to the hospital in abt 25 min when its really a 45 min drive. Kyle arrives shortly after thank you LT Burner. They get me all hooked up and start monitoring the baby.

Of course praise GOD The baby looks wonderful! His heartbeat is good and strong and its doing everything it needs to be doing. They had me go pee and wipe and show them what came out and it was thick blood. I was scared to death still. My MIL came up there and so did my mom and we all just waited. They wouldn't let me eat anything for fear that I would need an emergency c-section. I started having contractions also they weren't horrible but I had them about every 5 min. The bleeding didn't stop so they kept me hooked up and they started running tests on my blood. They had to check to see if I was actively bleeding internally and praise God I wasn't. So that meant my placenta was still good and it wasn't bleeding.

They had to keep me there longer and longer cause of the blood. Dr. Quincy finally showed up around 7:00 and did an internal exam. He said the good new is the blood isn't coming from my cervix. It must be coming from my vaginal wall. Since I have been on antibiotics and have had a yeast infection off and on apparently my vaginal wall got irritated most likely with intercourse and I broke a blood vessel or a few and thats more than likely the reason I was bleeding. It was very scary. They still aren't certain this is just a guess..

So Dr. Quincy said I need to stay there until 10:00 to see if the bleeding would slow down. It finally looked like it was slowing down. They let me eat dinner finally and that was a sweet relief. I hung out there until 10:00 and it had finally slowed down. So I came home and I just have to keep an eye on it. I'll keep bleeding they said but as long as its not a lot I should be fine. So hopefully it will all work out.

I have faith in my Dear Lord Jesus that he is in control. My son is going to be healthy, I will be healthy and our family will be wonderful. Thank you Lord for my son, my husband and my health! Life is good...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Update on the baby boy! 32 weeks

So I went to the Dr. yesterday for my ultrasound and a checkup. The little guy is doing great. I asked what percentile he was in and it looks like he is in the 54%! Which is great. Not to big not to small. The ultrasound showed that my cervix has actually lengthened to 3.2cm. This is good because it means no baby time for me yet. Also I am not leaking any amniotic fluid. That is great also. I only gained about 2 lbs in the last two weeks so another blessing. I need to slow the weight gain LOL! I got to see the little guy and he is head down as usual with his big feet on each side of my ribs! OH well I love the little guy. Also what I thought were gas bubbles from before in my lower right are actually his big head stretching my ligaments. That's why I get sooo much pain. Knowing that I am ok though and nothing is wrong is such a huge blessing. I really do love this little guy more than anything and he is such a blessing to our lives.

Kyle and I are doing really well also! We are both adjusting to the idea that our lives are going to change drastically in the next 6-7 weeks! We couldn't be more excited! Now that we see all the baby stuff being set up and how our home is transforming into baby time it gets more and more real to us. I thank the Lord for this blessing and all that he will have given us. I can't wait to see what the future holds! Thank you Jesus for this life that you have given us for my wonderful husband and for my friends! We are blessed!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Baby Shower! 31 weeks & 1 day!

I had my beautiful baby shower on October 25th! It was Baby Boy Blue! Kyle and I were so blessed with more things than we could have ever imagined! Our nursery is almost completed and our crib should be in tomorrow. My mom came over and helped me the day after the shower put everything up and together! This little boy will be one blessed bubba and I can't wait to hold him in my arms. Only 6 more weeks until this little boy could be here! I can't wait!!! Thank you Lord for this baby, my husband and my family!! We are blessed!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Finally! Some Good News!!! 29 weeks and 2 days!

So... I did get my test results for the fFN and they came back negative so thankfully I never went into labor these last two weeks. My glucose test also came back fine so I don't have GD. So that was good news.

I went back in today to get another ultrasound to see if my cervix had shortened anymore. And praise God it hasn't! I am still at a 2.7 cm which is great. So I am not on bed rest and basically not on pelvic rest as long as I don't get contractions! I also begged her to measure the little guy and he is 3.3lbs!!! WOO HOO! He is going to be one big boy. According to baby center he is measuring at about 31 weeks! His foot is also 2 inches long already! Which is fine with me hopefully he will come at the end of December!! She also said that he might have some hair on his head which is exciting as well. He is one little cutie...

So I had been feeling these really bad cramps on one side in the front recently and I thought I might have kidney stones. So the OBGYN ordered me a Renal Ultrasound on Tuesday. I went in and as far as the lady said they looked fine... but while I was there they did some 3d ultrasound pics!! WOO HOO!! He is one little cutie and he has some big lips! It looks like he is making my kissy face that I make! He is beautiful! I can't wait to meet the little guy!! It also looked like in one of the photos he was flipping us off. So than Kyle started to wonder if he was missing 4 of his fingers! LOL no he is not! That is too funny!

So since I don't have kidney stones and I'm not have contractions I think I have BAD GAS! LOL I haven't been going on a regular basis and I think I just have a gas attack. It seems to happen every few days and its pretty darn painful. I have to press on the gas bubble and lay on my right side to get rid of it. It seems to work! So that is good! I'm hoping this will just prepare me for the real pains of childbirth LOL! YEa I know I'm a mess! something is always wrong!

Kyle is trying his hardest to be supportive. He went to the Dr. the other day because he has been having pains in his lower abdomen. It looks like he has a small hernia and some kind of bacteria or virus. Also he had some moles removed on his nose and his back. The one on his nose is not cancerous and the one on his back I guess has the potential to have some cancer cells. So he should get it removed hopefully he will soon!! But he is doing better! Again peace of mind!

Well other good news my brother will hopefully be getting engaged in the next few weeks and married in the next year! She is absolutely beautiful and seems like a wonderful women! i am sooo happy for him! He deserves to be happy and I know she will make him the happiest man in the world! so this week week has been full of some good news! Now I just have to keep my energy up and get that baby room completed. I ordered my baby crib today which is exciting as well! I just sucked it up and bought it because I know no body else will! :-) But I am blessed by everything everyone else has bought me, Kyle and the baby! Well I'm off! Thank you Lord for my husband, my son and my wonderful family! Life is GOOD!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

After the Ultrasound....

Well I got a call the day after my ultrasound... My midwife wanted to see me immediately. Although my Placenta was in the clear apparently after reviewing my ultrasound she found that my cervix is a lot shorter than it should be which could cause me to go into pre-term labor. So I make an appointment for yesterday October 9, 2008. I go into see her. She did a Fetal Fibronecton test.

Here is the info about the test: A negative result on the fFN test means it's highly unlikely that you'll give birth in the next week or two, which can set your mind at ease and allow your practitioner to hold off on treatments that may prove to be unnecessary. A positive result, on the other hand, is not as useful. It means you're at a higher risk of giving birth early, but it doesn't guarantee that you're about to give birth or that you'll deliver early at all, so it won't help your practitioner decide how to manage your situation.

When lab technicians analyze your sample, they measure the amount of fetal fibronectin (fFN), a protein produced by the fetal membranes. This protein serves as the "glue" that attaches the fetal sac to the uterine lining. It's normally found in increased amounts in your vagina during the first half of pregnancy and again late in pregnancy as you near labor. But if fFN leaks from the uterus and more than a small amount shows up in the vagina too early (between 22 and 34 weeks), it may mean that the glue is disintegrating ahead of schedule because of contractions or an injury to the membranes

Unfortunately I will not know the results of the test until next Monday or Tuesday. Until then I am to take it easy, be on complete pelvic rest and if I feel like I am cramping like I did on Sunday I am to immediately go to Labor and Delivery at the hospital. Its a little scary don't ya think! LOL She also did a manual exam to check my cervix and said that I am defiantly thinning and shortening but as far as she can tell I am not dilating. So that is good news about not dilating. If the results come back positive I will more than likely be put on permanent pelvic rest until I am 34 weeks along and I will also be put on some type of bed rest either full or moderate. So we will see. Hopefully neither of these things will happen!

I also took my glucose test and will have the results around the same time. Hopefully no GD for me.

The good thing that has come from this is that I will be getting another ultrasound on two weeks from this last Thursday! Yea I get to see my little guy again. They will want to check and make sure I have not thinned anymore and to make sure there is no dilating! I sure hope and pray not.

Well last night after I got home from my Dr.s appointment my wonderful husband had cleaned the whole entire house. I'm talking deep cleaning. He cleaned the pantry, under the sinks, moped the floors, cleaned out the whole laundry room and it seems I keep finding little wonderful things he has done. He also made me Chili! YUMMY! I had been beginning for him to make it for me the last few weeks and he finally surprised me and did. My husband is pretty amazing that's all I have to say. I honestly don't think I could have a better husband I am sure blessed. I know he loves me and our little man and I am so thankful!!! I just had to brag on him for a few minutes because he is soo great.

Well once I get my results I will come back and update. Hopefully it will be some good news. OH by the way I just had a blue berry muffin and it appears the little guy really enjoyed it! He is doing flips of joy in this belly! I love him! Well thank you Lord for my hubby, my little boy and my wonderful life!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

1 year wedding anniversary and 27 weeks!!

Well yesterday was mine and my husbands 1 year wedding anniversary. I am soo blessed and so thankful to have made it to our one year. My husband is amazing and I am sooo thankful to have him in my life. Our relationship has gone through many life changing experiences and I would not change anything at all.

Sunday October 5, 2008 Kyle and I went to church in the morning. After church we decided we would go to his parents house to hang out and than the next morning we would go to Sea World. Well on our way there I thought I was in labor. I was in sooo much pain and Kyle was very patient and caring and was very worried about me. Finally it passed and I started feeling better. We got to his parents and just took it easy. We watched Iron Man and than went to bed early. Unfortunately neither of us slept very well I think I got up 20 times to pee in the middle of the night... OH well the joys of pregnancy.

Well on Monday October 6,2008 we slept in a little. We finally got up got ready and went to Sea World. We walked around for about 3 hours realizing this could be the last time we go there in a very long time. It was really nice to go with my hubby at this time we hadn't been along together in I don't know how long. We just enjoyed each other the animals and just really got to relax. After we ate though I was ready to go. I was exhausted. We had planned to go to cheesecake Factory but we didn't' stay on that side of town long enough so we just went home. When we got home we watched Life Free & Die hard. It was a good movie. By the end of it around 5:00 though we were both pretty tired and didn't feel like getting all dressed up and going out fancy. So we put on some regular clothes and went to Brickhouse Bar & Grill in Deland. The food was not good at all but the dessert was WONDERFUl. The chocolate Lava Cake and ice cream made our night. We went home got in the hot tub for a few min, showered and than went to bed :-). All in all it was a wonderful day with my hubby. We both got each other cards and just really really enjoyed our time together...

Well today... my 27th week appointment I had my ultrasound to see how my placenta was.. Everything looks great. My Placenta has moved and its not longer near my cervix. My cervix has also shortened a little bit and its now at 2.6 cm. I guess not that big of a deal but I think this little guy will come sometime in December. I had to reschedule my glucose test and regular appt due to the stupid midwife. I won't even get into this LOL. I am now up to 141 lbs which is about 18 lb weight gain. I guess that is pretty good for how far along I am. Its pretty crazy though. I feel huge. My little guy is getting so big. He moves around soooo much now its unbelievable. I contasntly feel him moving around in my belly and I love it!! My ultrasound picture my little guy is sooo much bigger than he used to be. I can't believe it! He is going to beautiful and sooo handsome!!! I can't wait to meet him. Well my shower is on October 25th and I'm sure I will update this around than. I need to start adding pics. I will very soon!

Well I love my hubby, my little monkey and my God! My life is good!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Happenings....

Well it has been a crazy last week.... My poor dear husband was diagnosed with Shingles on August 27th. We finally know the reason for his constant chest and back pain. Basically he has had shingles on and off for the last few years but he finally had a rash out break. I was scared to death for our unborn child but the obgyn let me know that all is fine because the baby is protected by my antibodies. So hopefully all will be ok.

On August 28th we went to Panama City, FL for the birth of Kyle's 3rd nephew Ethan Colin. Unfortunately due to Kyle's shingles he was not allowed to really see the baby much less hold him or go into Kerri-Ann and Brian's home. I know it was a hard week for Kyle and I due to the circumstances. We got to spend time with his parents and his brother and sister-in-law as well as the twins.

We were very glad to be home though in our own room with our big bed and our good dogs. They are such good dogs!! Well my little baby Cash is doing well. I know he is growing like a weed in there. He is always kicking and punching me. Just this last week while up in Port St. Joe, Fl I got to see him actually kick on the outside. Kyle's mom actually saw him kick as well and it was soooo cool. I love seeing my little Cash in motion. I just can't wait till Kyle gets to actually see it. He seems to miss it every time he does it. OH well he will eventually. Its funny though I could sit for hours staring at my belly hope to catch a glimpse of a kick or a punch.

I go to the Dr. Tomorrow which is nothing new. I hope to convince my midwife to give me an ultrasound sooner than she had planned. I would really like to make sure that my Placenta is back in place where it shoudl be and that everything is going well. So hopefully my fingers crossed we can have one done early. I would like to have it done before our 1 year anniversary on October 6!!! Yea I love my hubby!

I have been doing pretty well though. No real morning sickness. Sometimes at night after eating I feel sick but I guess that is normal. Well I guess that is all for now. We are glad to have made it home safely and hoping and praying that Kyle's Shingles go away and that he feels a lot better very soon and that it never comes back. I praise God for my wonderful husband and my beautiful son!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Family Vacation 2008! Kyle and I went on our family vacation with my family this year in Daytona. It was really nice to get away and relax. My grandma rented a house on the river and Kyle got to fish every day and every night. Also on Monday Kyle got to go on a sailboat with my mom, dad, brother and aunts. He LOVED it. He now can't wait for us to have a sailboat. I say in time darling in time. I know it was very very relaxing for him... and a lot of fun...
Also praise the Good Lord above I haven't had morning sickness in almost 2 weeks. I hope and pray I will continue to feel weel and will not get morning sickness any more for the rest of the pregnancy. I still feel very tired and weak sometimes but I haven't puked in almost two weeks!!

Kyle and I came back from vaca early on Tuesday night. And Wednesday we finished the TILE!! Praise God! I feel a little more relieved. Now we have to start getting the house in order for my little guy to arrive sometime in the next four months. I am officially 19 weeks and 3 days. I am almost half way there!!

So my little guy is doing really well. Today I am sitting at work and I feel him kicking me tons and tons. I love it. I know he is going to be such a cutie. I bought him some baby clothes today. The Children's place online was having a huge sale. I bought everything for $1.99-$2.99. You cannot beat those prices. Plus I used a 15% off coupon!!! So things are going really well. I am still a little concerned about the whole Placenta thing and at my next appt I am going to begggg my midwife to let me get an earlier ultrasound. I just can't continue the next 10 weeks not knowing if my little guy is going to be OK for sure. I just need to know. Maybe its the worry wart in me I have no idea. Its just so hard to not be fully intimate with my husband for fear of hurting me or the little guy.

As far as names go for him.... Kyle has decided that he doesn't like the name Kaden anymore... so for sure his middle name will be Evan but we are still undecided on his first name. I'm sure it will be cute and I will love whatever we decide. I guess if worst comes to worst we can keep Kaden because I like that name still. We will see. Well that's about all. I'm sure I will update shortly!!!

I love my Lord and Savior, my amazing wonderful husband, and the joy of my life and most precious gift our Son!! Life is GOOD!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's A BOY!!!!!!!

What a WONDERFUL day today was! Kyle and I went for our Ultrasound this morning to make sure we were having a healthy baby and praise God we are! He is ABSOLUTELY Beautiful!!!!! He has all of the wonderful things he is supposed to have! I think he might be a tired little boy like his father. He was sleeping through most of the ultrasound but at the end he was saying leave me a lone. I could see him squirming and drinking the fluid it was AMAZING!! I have never felt sooooo blessed in my entire life! My little Kaden Evan!

The only concerning thing is my placenta is a little low and a little closer to my cervix then is good. But the Dr said that it should move up as my baby and uterus grows and it should be fine by the time I deliver. Its not covering the cervix at all just near it. So this is good and bad news. It just means my little guy when he implanted he chose to do it pretty low. So I am praying this will correct itself and I am sure it will!

So things are wonderfuL! Now I feel very motivated to get my house in order. So things are going well in the Fuller house! I love my husband and I love my son.... Life is goood.......

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

What a WONDERFUL 4th and 5th of July!!

I must say this was the best 4th of July! On July 3rd I went to the OBGYN and everything looks fine. I have my next ultrasound on August 6 to determine the sex of our baby! This is very exciting.

So July 4th after throwing up that morning I packed up the car and headed to pick up Kyle. We drove to Brandenton to be with my family and my dad's extended family. We had a BIG family Reunion. There were probably close to 100 Bell's there and it was fun to see all the different family. We had a big BBQ and than headed to the condo my grandparents had rented for our family. That day we swam and just had a nice time by the pool. By the afternoon I was pretty exhausted and started feeling sort of sick. We went to dinner at my G-parents house and hung out there. After dinner Kyle wanted to go see the West coast ocean. So my dad, mom and brother took him out. I stayed behind and went home early. I was sooo sick. After they got back my parents took Kyle to see fireworks. Again I stayed home b/c I was feeling terrible and just couldn't make it. He got back and we went to bed.

So the next day July 5th. Which is really the good day Kyle convinced me to back to the ocean. I was a little leery but I wasn't feeling too sick so we went. It was WONDERFUL!! The water was warm the sun was out and it wasn't very crowded. It was soooo nice to spend some alone time with my hubby. We swam for an hour and he carried me around in the ocean when I got scared and it was just so wonderful. It reminded me again of why I love my hubby so much and how much I appreciate him. After swimming we walked to where the inlet comes in and saw the boats and just enjoyed being outside. It was beautiful! We walked back and got back into the water and floated a little more. After this we packed up and headed home. It was lunch time of course I was starving so we went to Crisper's and enjoyed lunch. After that off we went. On the way home we took a detour to Oviedo to see our property. It was nice and than we headed home. I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home and was ready for bed but I stayed up till around 8:00.

The next morning my hubby had to work and when I woke up I was struck with TERRIBLE morning sickness. I was sick till around 12:30. I got to watch a really good sermon on TV though and that was nice. After being sick I went to Rachel's and just hung out than come home and went to bed.

Soo.... Kyle came home on Monday and brought our new TILE!!! Yeah!!! Our house will no longer smell like DOG PEE!!!! Thank you Lady!!! So we started the difficult process of moving furniture and scrapping up carpet. Thank goodness Ramon came over when they started laying the Tile. We got the majority of the old TV room completed. My dad is going over there to help today! I am soooo thankful!!! I hope they get even more done. So life is going pretty good haven't had that bad of morning sickness since Monday the 7th and I am PRAYING that it is mostly past. We will know tomorrow. Chances are I will be sick :-( ... Oh well I am praying!!!

Well that is all for now I will be back again!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Where did we Leave off....

Ok lets see where we left off....

Well Friday the 20th before we headed out of town I was home alone. My dear hubby was working an over time shift. So I'm laying on the couch watching some good old tv when I start hearing crashes of lighting. I get a little nervous being that I am home alone with two dogs and knowing that if the power goes out i'm out of luck. without power we have no running water. So I look outside and its looking extremely bad. I get this terrible feeling that there could be tornadoes so i grab both dogs and bring them into the bath tub with me. So I'm sitting there trying not to freak out. I call my grandma and in the middle of talking to her the power goes out. Ok no biggie... it will be back on soon... righttt... Well the thunder and lighting are basically striking every single second and the whole house is shaking. I get off of the phone and I just start praying. For the saftey of my baby, of me and the dogs. That our house doesn't blow away and for my neighbors. Well it finally starts calming down and I look out the window. I notice my neighbor across the street has power. I call the power company and they say that it shoudl be back on by 10:00. Ok whatever I'll go to my neighbors. I go over there and david the guy who lives there with his wife Jody says that he looked out of the house and he could see a funnel over my house. He said it was the craziest thing he has ever seen and couldn't believe that it didn't touch down and destroy my house. I'm thinking praise God my prayers were answered. I hang out there till around 9:45. Still no power. Go back home and call the power company they said it was already fixed. I said no its not the lights are still out they say ok it shoudl be back on by 1:00. Ok whatever I'm exhausted and sick so I lay on the couch with the dogs in my 85 degree house and set my alarm for 1:00. 1:00 rolls around still no power. I call them back and once again say it was fixed and I say NO ITS NOT. I'm becoming hysterical without any water. I start crying on the phone and they promise it shoudl be and told me that i wasn't a priority because there were people with more problems then me. Whatever... So 3:00 rolls around and the power company shows up. The lighting had struck my transformer on the pole and had to be replaced. i go inside go to bed not knowing the damage it had done ot my home. Half my outlets were blown up in my kitchen my computer was electrecuted and thats about it but it coudl have been a lot worse. I must say it was the worst expierance of my life but I am thankful that I have the Lord Jesus Christ to comfort and protect me.

On a side note... Kyle had known how upset I was that I was home alone and had to go through this without him that the next morning he came home from work he brought me a single beautiful red rose. I love my husband more than the moon and the stars. He still suprises and and loves me through everything. Thank you Lord for this wonderful man...

Starting June 23 - 26 Kyle and I along with his brother and sister-in-law all went to St. Augustine. The first day we just sort of walked around and took in some of the local sites. The second day we went to the beach all day and the third day we got a pedi and went back to downtown. It was really nice. We stayed in a beautiful hotel and an awesome pool. I was so thankful to not be sick the majority of the time we were there. It was funny because I felt pretty good I still had some nausea but no throwing up. That was wonderful.

We got back Thursday and Friday alllllll day I was throwing up. Its almost like God didn't let me be sick on the trip and saved it all up for when I got back. So I was pretty much miserable the whole day on Friday. Ever since that Friday I have been pretty nauseous on and off. I just seem to be fighting the urge to purge constantly LOL. I really is not any fun at all.

So Tuesday i went and got a baby Doppler fetal heart monitor. Its a little thing you put on your belly and you can hear the heartbeat. It is the coolest thing ever. When I brought it home and showed it to Kyle and he heard his little babies heartbeat his heart just melted. He kissed all over my belly and told me how much he loved this baby. I think it has made this experience all the more real to him. So that made me so happy and proud to know that I am blessed with a wonderful hubby who will be a wonderful father.

So on to some more news... Lady the dog has had some trouble going pee pee inside the house when we are gone. Its become a HUGE problem. The house is starting to smell bad and its just unhealthy. I think about my little baby and I would never want my child to crawl around on pee carpet. So we have made the difficult decision to put down tile in all the rooms except the baby's room and master. Its really frustrating and I suggested getting rid of the dogs and Kyle didn't like the suggestion very much. But its sad that we have to spend SOOOOO much money all because we have a dog that pees in the house that to be honest I didn't really want in the first place. Oh well there is nothing I can do about it now we have purchased the tile. Well praise be to God my dad said that he would help kyle lay the tile and when we get it next week they will start.

So for the 4th of July we will be headed to Bradenton. We will be going to see my Dad's side of the family for a sort of family reunion. My brother is down and it has been nice to get to spend some time with him. Kyle and I will be driving down on the 4th after he gets off of work and staying the night there. We will return on Saturday. It looks like this will be a busy busy weekend. So I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying really hard that I do not get sick when we return or while we are gone.

I am so thankful for this little baby in my belly and am so undeserving to be given the privilege to raise a child. God has truly blessed Kyle and I and our lives are only going to get better.... yes we may be more tired... sick... grumpy... and stressful... But we are going to have all the love in the world with this child that has come from both of us. I am just praying and praying that this morning sickness and headaches will pass and we will be on our way to a happy healthy baby and mommy!!!

Well I will be posting again soon I'm sure. In about 5 weeks we will hopefully be finding out the sex. I am super excited. It seems everyone thinks this little baby in my belly is a boy except for me and my mother in law. We both think its girls. Its funny though because even though I think its a girl my dreams are still that I am having a little boy. So who really knows. I will be so happy and blessed just to have a healthy baby!!! Well enough for now I will be back!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

11.2 weeks prego

Just when I thought my morning sickness had passed.... low and behold I throw up this morning. I've gotten sort of used to throwing up in the morning. Yea you feel like crap right before but after... besides being sweaty and red and hot you feel much better. So I made it into work ... yes an hour late BUT I made it. Thats all that matters right?

Well I must say a little bit about kyle right now. I really do have a wonderful hubby. He is the sweetest guy ever. Last night when he thought that I was asleep he just layed there and carressed my back. It was very sweet and I was not about to let him know I was awake because I was afraid he would stop. But it was sweet and I love him like crazy. He's been working a lot lately so I am very thankful for the special moments that we do get together.

So I've picked out my baby names that I think are going to be them for sure...

If its a girl it will be.....

Makayla Belle Fuller = meaning = Who is like God & Beautiful

If its a boy it will be....

Kaden Evan Fuller = meaning = Fighter & God is Good!

I love them both. Kyle is not sure yet about the names but they will grow on him. I've decided and as far as I'm concerned atleast for now they are final!

Well I will be back to update where there's more exciting news!!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

11 weeks pregnant

Wow!! Its been quite a while since I've updated this but I will try to do better! Life has been pretty crazy... slow but crazy. I feel like all I do at this time is sleep, eat, sleep and work. I am exhausted about 85% of the time and I just don't feel good. This past weekend on Sunday was Father's day. Unfortunatly Kyle had to work on his FIRST soon-to-be Fathers day. I missed him terribly but I got to go and spend the day with my parents. I went to church with them than to lunch than back home. After we got home its all pretty much a blur. I basically slept for 4 hours and than went to bed at 10:00.. My poor Dad atleast I was awake for the first part of the day.

So I went for my Ultrasound a few weeks ago and I got to see my little babies heart beat. It was Beautiful! My little babies heart was beating at 152 bpm. It looked like a little lima bean. Kyle couldn't make it to the Ultrasound so i brought the pictures to him after I left and he just melted. Its so different seeing your child for the first time. I think it made it a little more real for him. I sure hope it did. It certainly did for me. The doctor says that everything looks good and normal and that I am right on schedule. I'm just hoping this morning sickness passes soon!

I also had a Dr.'s appointment on June 10th. Kyle was able to make this one so that was very nice. They tried to find the heartbeat with a doppler but I wasn't quite 10 weeks when they were looking so they found it for a split second and the lady lost it. The heartbeat was soooo fast but we didn't get it long enough to know how fast it was. Everything once again looks good so far. At that point I had lost a few pounds from being sick all of the time. I'm hoping I don't gain to much weight but just enough :-).

I go to the Dr. again on July 8th. They will once again find the heartbeat and just go over some information with me. Last time I went I talked to my mid wife and decided that I want to have an all natural birth. I will basically labor in a tub of water "God Willing we get a room with a tub" and than I will try and have the baby in sort of a sitting/squatting position. I want gravity to do as much work as possible :). We will see though. Of course my family and my hubby think I am weird but whats new! :-)... Oh and about 7 weeks from now I will get another ultrasound and HOPEFULLY Fingers crossed find out the sex of our baby!!! WOO HOO! I am very excited about this!

Well on to other important news... we have another dog.... My husband convinced me that we needed another one for Kramer. So we went to the dog pound type place and picked up a 2 year old girl hound/terrier mix named Lady. She really is a sweet dog. She is too funny sometimes. The only problem is that she pooped in the house the second time we left her alone 24 hours. Of course in my prego hormonal state I was NOT very happy about this. But we all get more than one chance right? So we will have to see how this goes. I will have to add pics of her later once I get them off my camera.

Well I will hopefully post again very shortly!! :-)

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

7.2 weeks pregnant

Today I am 7.2 weeks pregnant and 2 days closer to hearing my little baby's heartbeat. I am absolutely thrilled to hear my little apple seeds heart that it melts my heart. I am still struggling with morning sickness. Praise God today was the 3rd day and I had some relief. I needed it. It seems to go in a 3 day cycle. Day 1 terrible morning sickness lasting all day, Day 2 morning sickness still not feeling really well but not as bad as the day before and Day 3 not nearly as bad. More hungry than the other 2 days slight sickness around breakfast, lunch and dinner but other than that I feel pretty good. I have also noticed some lower back pain but I think its due to lack of exercise and laying or sitting down ALL day. I really need to start walking... but I have nooooo energy at all. On a side note... interesting thing is I don't like salt anymore. Anything that is too salty makes me sick. Anyone who knows me knows that is very very strange :-)

So this weekend was Memorial Day Weekend. On Friday Kyle was going to take me out for my birthday but unfortunately I was very sick all day. I managed to pull myself off the couch around 6 and we went to La Hacienda. The food was OK. Kyle says once I feel better he will take me to the restaurant we had originally talked about.

On Saturday was my 3rd day of this rotation and I felt pretty good. We went to the beach with Ramon and Rachel. It was a nice time I sat under the umbrella the whole time... ( I like to say I'm allergic to the sun). The guys got to fish. It was pretty uneventful but nice to get out of the house. We came home that afternoon and Kyle and I went to Sonny's. I didn't think that I had eaten that much but apparently my little baby did not agree with the food. I was sick from 12am to 4 am. It was miserable. It finally passed and i went to bed and slept till 10:00!

Kyle worked Sunday and I layed on the couch miserable. Again Day 1 LOL.

Monday i woke up and had a little bit of morning sickness. It was like my normal Day 2. Not feeling very well till around 1:00. Kyle had gone out on the boat with the guys from work and their wives. I called him and they came and picked me up. I basically just went out there and Hung out and chatted for a few hours and than I was ready to go home and resume my position on the couch. Finally when Kyle got home last night I made dinner. The first dinner that I have made since we found I was pregnant. It was a tasty dinner.

This was my weekend sorry for boring but I just wanted to write it down to remember :-) .

This weekend my parents left for their trip to Rome and Italy. I am very happy for them b/c this has been a long time coming. I'm sad that they are gone though thats for sure I miss them so much even though they will be back in a few weeks time. What am I going to do without my mom and dad on the days Kyle works during the week?!? :-) I'm sure I will be fine. Well I am just keeping them in my prayers that they have a safe and fun time during their travels.

Well... I will be back to post more after my ultrasound! :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

6.2 days Pregnant And feel LIKE YUCK YUCK

Well I am pregnant.... I have known for about 2 weeks. Kyle and I are absolutly thrilled. Unfortunatly I have been struggling with bouts of morning sickness since Friday of last week. It seems to start in the morning and last till about 3:00 pm. Its pretty miserable but I know that I am one more day closer to holding my precious baby everytime I feel bad. I am just constantly praying for this little baby bean in my belly that is is growing and thriving in everyway that it should. I love this baby so much already. I feel like Kyle and I had been trying forever to become pregnant and than low and behold he blesses us when He is ready with this little bundle of joy.

So I go on May 29th to hear my baby's little heartbeat. I haven't really announced to anyone yet that we are pregnant besides close friends and family. I think I will have a huge burden lifted off of me once I get to hear and see that little tiny heartbeat and know that my child is ok... I look at pictures of friends that have babies and I am absolutly thrilled to know that in the next 8 months I will have my very own little baby to love and hold. I know Kyle will be a wonderful dad and I am just so happy for this experiance in our life. I do pray that the morning sickness passes but it also gives me peace of mind that everything is going as it should. So God willing sometime around January 11 we will have a beautiful baby to hold in our arms.

This is a constant prayer and I hope that everyone else will pray with us.

Love, Laurel

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Matthew 7:7-8

Last night was pretty uneventful. I stayed at my parents last night and just hung out with them. I talked to my husband this morning and as far as i know he had a good night. He only recived one call at 5 am. So thats not to bad he almost got a full nights sleep. That does make me happy!

Well this morning I woke up with a pretty bad toothache. It was right next to the tooth that had been extracted on my bottom right. I was really concerned because you never know if you have an infection or what could be wrong. I called the surgeon and i went in today and they basically told me that either my tooth had shifted or that I had possibly been grinding my teeth. It was a sigh of relief that nothing was wrong and everything went ok.

I read my daily reading today. I read the January 8 passages. I have decided that every day I will find something that I think is important and meaningful that I have read and write a short note about it.

Matthew 7:7-8 - " Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

This passage really struck me as very important. I need to remember to pray constantly to my Lord and asking him for the things and desires of my heart. The important things right now to me are that my husband becomes the Godly leader in our relationsip. I long for this so much I long for the time that one day my husband will sit with me and have a meaningful Bible study and when he will want to pray outloud with me and for me. This is so important to me and I long for this and I know that God Longs for this as well. I will not stop asking or seeking Gods will in our marriage and our lives. I will continue to pray for my husbands Chrisitan walk that he will grow to love our Lord and Savior more and more everyday. That he will long to put our Lord and Savior first in our lives. I was so badly for these things especially for when we have children. It is so important for our children to grow up in a Godly UNITED home and I know that GOd will provide this. I have Faith that my husband will become the Godly husband that God desires for every one of His daughters in Christ. SO this is my prayer and I will not cease I will continue to pray and seek Gods loving forgiving kidness.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Deep Thoughts

So I talked to my mom today and she told me about one of her friends from her Bible study who has liver cancer. This lady has been getting chemo and they just found out that the cancer has spread all throughout her liver and they can't do anything else about it. Basically she has 1 day to a few weeks to live. This has me thinking. WOW! LIfe if soooo short you never know when your last breath will be. ANd for my mom's friend she does know that this last breath will be very soon. It hurts my heart to think about the possiblity that one day i may lose my husband or someone in my family or a close friend but even more to think wow we may be in a similar predicament and know that we have only a few more weeks to live. What does this mean to me if this were to happen. It makes me want to live every day a little better, to Love and Cherish and Worship my Lord and Savior more and more. This just is an eye opener as with any death that i have faced in my close circle. You never know when death will come to you, you have to love, cherish, be thankful and honor your life the way you shoudl as if death could come to you tomorrow. Kyle always tells me to be careful driving to work and he knows soo well how easily life can end. Him being a firefighter/EMT he is faced with death every day. I want to live my life as if its my last day with all the love and happiness in the world and this is only because I know that when that fatefull day comes and I do die that i will be meeting my Lord and Savior in the sky. I want Him to be proud of me and to know that I loved him more than anything on this earth and that I cherished every second I was given to be with my husband, family and friends. I do hope the LOrd God comes and takes his believers back before anyone else close to me can die but more than likely this will not happen so I must start today living my life as if its my last and loving the Lord and my family with all my heart. I love you my Kyle FUller I am so blessed that you are my husband and I am so honored that I get to live the rest of my life with you here by my side.

This last week! February 8-12

Well Friday February 8 I (Laurel) got all 4 wisdom teeth pulled. It is not something that I ever want to experience again. I was sooo scared going into it but I was also very thankful that Kyle could be there with me. My mom was also there as well at the beginning. Well I went into surgery and everything came out fine. I even got to keep my wisdom teeth which is the coolest part about it all. Kyle took care of me like and Angel. I am so blessed to have him in my life. He basically did everything that I needed from ice, to water, to pain pills to just loving on me and taking care of me. I am very blessed.

Saturday we went to his parent’s house. WE took Kramer with us. WE had a nice day of playing cards and just hanging out. Surprisingly I felt pretty good and was able to have a nice time. I was able to eat and enjoyed every single bite. I think I might have over done it though because that night I was pretty miserable. I was very sore and just grumpy in general. Poor Kyle he has to deal with me sometimes and I know I can be a pain. Well we went to bed and Kyle had to work the next day.

Sunday. Basically Kyle worked and I lay on the couch all day with Krami. It was nice to relax I got tons of laundry done but other than that uneventful. I couldn't go to church though just cause of the pain and discomfort I was pretty disappointed.

Monday. First day back at work after getting my wisdom teeth pulled. I was in pain just from having to talk so much. OH well I worked about half a day and than went home. When I got home I helped Kyle try to fix the boat and just hung out with him and listened to him talk about it. We than went and bought the part for the boat that he needed. After we got home I made chicken tacos. They were really good but unfortunately I couldn't eat very well and it took me a half hour to eat one taco! It was terrible. Kyle kept asking why I was sooo miserable but I couldn't help it because I was in so much pain and discomfort. OH well after dinner and cleaning up Kyle took the dog for a run. When he got home we went in the hot tub and just relaxed. It was really nice to be with my husband. After that we watched some TV and went to bed. While in bed I read a Bible study about praying. It is so important to pray together and I hope and pray that in the future we will do this more. I love him so much and I miss him when he is gone so when he is home it is such a special time.

Tuesday. Well today I am at work again. Kyle is working a double so I will not see him till Valentines Day. I set out his card and little treats this morning so that when he gets home he will see it and be surprised. I also am staying at my parent’s house for the next two nights just because it is too much driving home and not having anyone there. It’s supposed to be very stormy today and tonight and possibly tornados. Another reason I am glad to be going to their house. I know Kyle will probably have a crazy time at work. I sure hope he gets to have a good nights sleep and is able to relax. The other bad thing about him working is poor Krami has to be home alone for the next few nights. He will be fine though. He really is the best dog ever. I love that boy. Well I read January 7th daily reading today. I am trying to read through the entire Bible but I sometimes get behind. I am going to try to keep on going and hopefully I will be able to read it all. I love all the things that I learn when I read. I never really understand and got to read deeply into the Bible when I was younger but I am starting to really enjoy it now. I love the Bible I love my Lord and Savoir. I love my husband. Enough said! :-)