Last night was pretty uneventful. I stayed at my parents last night and just hung out with them. I talked to my husband this morning and as far as i know he had a good night. He only recived one call at 5 am. So thats not to bad he almost got a full nights sleep. That does make me happy!
Well this morning I woke up with a pretty bad toothache. It was right next to the tooth that had been extracted on my bottom right. I was really concerned because you never know if you have an infection or what could be wrong. I called the surgeon and i went in today and they basically told me that either my tooth had shifted or that I had possibly been grinding my teeth. It was a sigh of relief that nothing was wrong and everything went ok.
I read my daily reading today. I read the January 8 passages. I have decided that every day I will find something that I think is important and meaningful that I have read and write a short note about it.
Matthew 7:7-8 - " Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.
This passage really struck me as very important. I need to remember to pray constantly to my Lord and asking him for the things and desires of my heart. The important things right now to me are that my husband becomes the Godly leader in our relationsip. I long for this so much I long for the time that one day my husband will sit with me and have a meaningful Bible study and when he will want to pray outloud with me and for me. This is so important to me and I long for this and I know that God Longs for this as well. I will not stop asking or seeking Gods will in our marriage and our lives. I will continue to pray for my husbands Chrisitan walk that he will grow to love our Lord and Savior more and more everyday. That he will long to put our Lord and Savior first in our lives. I was so badly for these things especially for when we have children. It is so important for our children to grow up in a Godly UNITED home and I know that GOd will provide this. I have Faith that my husband will become the Godly husband that God desires for every one of His daughters in Christ. SO this is my prayer and I will not cease I will continue to pray and seek Gods loving forgiving kidness.
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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