I must say this was the best 4th of July! On July 3rd I went to the OBGYN and everything looks fine. I have my next ultrasound on August 6 to determine the sex of our baby! This is very exciting.
So July 4th after throwing up that morning I packed up the car and headed to pick up Kyle. We drove to Brandenton to be with my family and my dad's extended family. We had a BIG family Reunion. There were probably close to 100 Bell's there and it was fun to see all the different family. We had a big BBQ and than headed to the condo my grandparents had rented for our family. That day we swam and just had a nice time by the pool. By the afternoon I was pretty exhausted and started feeling sort of sick. We went to dinner at my G-parents house and hung out there. After dinner Kyle wanted to go see the West coast ocean. So my dad, mom and brother took him out. I stayed behind and went home early. I was sooo sick. After they got back my parents took Kyle to see fireworks. Again I stayed home b/c I was feeling terrible and just couldn't make it. He got back and we went to bed.
So the next day July 5th. Which is really the good day Kyle convinced me to back to the ocean. I was a little leery but I wasn't feeling too sick so we went. It was WONDERFUL!! The water was warm the sun was out and it wasn't very crowded. It was soooo nice to spend some alone time with my hubby. We swam for an hour and he carried me around in the ocean when I got scared and it was just so wonderful. It reminded me again of why I love my hubby so much and how much I appreciate him. After swimming we walked to where the inlet comes in and saw the boats and just enjoyed being outside. It was beautiful! We walked back and got back into the water and floated a little more. After this we packed up and headed home. It was lunch time of course I was starving so we went to Crisper's and enjoyed lunch. After that off we went. On the way home we took a detour to Oviedo to see our property. It was nice and than we headed home. I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home and was ready for bed but I stayed up till around 8:00.
The next morning my hubby had to work and when I woke up I was struck with TERRIBLE morning sickness. I was sick till around 12:30. I got to watch a really good sermon on TV though and that was nice. After being sick I went to Rachel's and just hung out than come home and went to bed.
Soo.... Kyle came home on Monday and brought our new TILE!!! Yeah!!! Our house will no longer smell like DOG PEE!!!! Thank you Lady!!! So we started the difficult process of moving furniture and scrapping up carpet. Thank goodness Ramon came over when they started laying the Tile. We got the majority of the old TV room completed. My dad is going over there to help today! I am soooo thankful!!! I hope they get even more done. So life is going pretty good haven't had that bad of morning sickness since Monday the 7th and I am PRAYING that it is mostly past. We will know tomorrow. Chances are I will be sick :-( ... Oh well I am praying!!!
Well that is all for now I will be back again!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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