So... I did get my test results for the fFN and they came back negative so thankfully I never went into labor these last two weeks. My glucose test also came back fine so I don't have GD. So that was good news.
I went back in today to get another ultrasound to see if my cervix had shortened anymore. And praise God it hasn't! I am still at a 2.7 cm which is great. So I am not on bed rest and basically not on pelvic rest as long as I don't get contractions! I also begged her to measure the little guy and he is 3.3lbs!!! WOO HOO! He is going to be one big boy. According to baby center he is measuring at about 31 weeks! His foot is also 2 inches long already! Which is fine with me hopefully he will come at the end of December!! She also said that he might have some hair on his head which is exciting as well. He is one little cutie...
So I had been feeling these really bad cramps on one side in the front recently and I thought I might have kidney stones. So the OBGYN ordered me a Renal Ultrasound on Tuesday. I went in and as far as the lady said they looked fine... but while I was there they did some 3d ultrasound pics!! WOO HOO!! He is one little cutie and he has some big lips! It looks like he is making my kissy face that I make! He is beautiful! I can't wait to meet the little guy!! It also looked like in one of the photos he was flipping us off. So than Kyle started to wonder if he was missing 4 of his fingers! LOL no he is not! That is too funny!
So since I don't have kidney stones and I'm not have contractions I think I have BAD GAS! LOL I haven't been going on a regular basis and I think I just have a gas attack. It seems to happen every few days and its pretty darn painful. I have to press on the gas bubble and lay on my right side to get rid of it. It seems to work! So that is good! I'm hoping this will just prepare me for the real pains of childbirth LOL! YEa I know I'm a mess! something is always wrong!
Kyle is trying his hardest to be supportive. He went to the Dr. the other day because he has been having pains in his lower abdomen. It looks like he has a small hernia and some kind of bacteria or virus. Also he had some moles removed on his nose and his back. The one on his nose is not cancerous and the one on his back I guess has the potential to have some cancer cells. So he should get it removed hopefully he will soon!! But he is doing better! Again peace of mind!
Well other good news my brother will hopefully be getting engaged in the next few weeks and married in the next year! She is absolutely beautiful and seems like a wonderful women! i am sooo happy for him! He deserves to be happy and I know she will make him the happiest man in the world! so this week week has been full of some good news! Now I just have to keep my energy up and get that baby room completed. I ordered my baby crib today which is exciting as well! I just sucked it up and bought it because I know no body else will! :-) But I am blessed by everything everyone else has bought me, Kyle and the baby! Well I'm off! Thank you Lord for my husband, my son and my wonderful family! Life is GOOD!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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