Well I got a call the day after my ultrasound... My midwife wanted to see me immediately. Although my Placenta was in the clear apparently after reviewing my ultrasound she found that my cervix is a lot shorter than it should be which could cause me to go into pre-term labor. So I make an appointment for yesterday October 9, 2008. I go into see her. She did a Fetal Fibronecton test.
Here is the info about the test: A negative result on the fFN test means it's highly unlikely that you'll give birth in the next week or two, which can set your mind at ease and allow your practitioner to hold off on treatments that may prove to be unnecessary. A positive result, on the other hand, is not as useful. It means you're at a higher risk of giving birth early, but it doesn't guarantee that you're about to give birth or that you'll deliver early at all, so it won't help your practitioner decide how to manage your situation.
When lab technicians analyze your sample, they measure the amount of fetal fibronectin (fFN), a protein produced by the fetal membranes. This protein serves as the "glue" that attaches the fetal sac to the uterine lining. It's normally found in increased amounts in your vagina during the first half of pregnancy and again late in pregnancy as you near labor. But if fFN leaks from the uterus and more than a small amount shows up in the vagina too early (between 22 and 34 weeks), it may mean that the glue is disintegrating ahead of schedule because of contractions or an injury to the membranes
Unfortunately I will not know the results of the test until next Monday or Tuesday. Until then I am to take it easy, be on complete pelvic rest and if I feel like I am cramping like I did on Sunday I am to immediately go to Labor and Delivery at the hospital. Its a little scary don't ya think! LOL She also did a manual exam to check my cervix and said that I am defiantly thinning and shortening but as far as she can tell I am not dilating. So that is good news about not dilating. If the results come back positive I will more than likely be put on permanent pelvic rest until I am 34 weeks along and I will also be put on some type of bed rest either full or moderate. So we will see. Hopefully neither of these things will happen!
I also took my glucose test and will have the results around the same time. Hopefully no GD for me.
The good thing that has come from this is that I will be getting another ultrasound on two weeks from this last Thursday! Yea I get to see my little guy again. They will want to check and make sure I have not thinned anymore and to make sure there is no dilating! I sure hope and pray not.
Well last night after I got home from my Dr.s appointment my wonderful husband had cleaned the whole entire house. I'm talking deep cleaning. He cleaned the pantry, under the sinks, moped the floors, cleaned out the whole laundry room and it seems I keep finding little wonderful things he has done. He also made me Chili! YUMMY! I had been beginning for him to make it for me the last few weeks and he finally surprised me and did. My husband is pretty amazing that's all I have to say. I honestly don't think I could have a better husband I am sure blessed. I know he loves me and our little man and I am so thankful!!! I just had to brag on him for a few minutes because he is soo great.
Well once I get my results I will come back and update. Hopefully it will be some good news. OH by the way I just had a blue berry muffin and it appears the little guy really enjoyed it! He is doing flips of joy in this belly! I love him! Well thank you Lord for my hubby, my little boy and my wonderful life!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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