Hayden yesterday was your first thanksgiving and Pierce yesterday was your second thanksgiving! It was wonderful with both of you! Things are so different now that we have two boys but it was wonderful. We went to Nanny and Poppy Dyals for the first part and had a big lunch. It was lots of fun all your great aunts and uncles just love both you boys! You also love your cousins so much Nathan and Jared. Nathan has givin you his four wheeler Pierce and you love it so much! You are a great driver of it and you also are a super sports star! Hayden you were happy as a lark as long as your belly was full and you were getting tons of attention. You are very needy but thats ok!
After the Dyals we went to Aunt Terry's and Uncle Dales to meet up with Daddys side of the family! We played outside and left shortly after to go to your grandma Fuller's house. You love your cousins Ethan, Xavier and Zach! you are so funny little boy! You just love to play play play! Hayden they call you angry baby and thats because everytime you are in your carseat you scream. Its NON STOP!! Its a little crazy but I guess we will keep yoU! :-). j/k we adore you Hayden!
Pierce tomorrow we are celebrating your 2 year birthday even though you are going to be only 23 months! We want you to have a special day just for you there is no competeing with Jesus's birthday don't you know! It is at our house so I have been busy planning cleaning and everything in between! We are so excited to celebrate this special day with you! You are a big brother our first born and the love of our lives! I love you Pierce and I love you Hayden! You both are amazing and I am so thankful for you guys!! Can't wait to spend the next 80 years with you boys!
Love your mama!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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