Oh my little Hayden. You are now three months old today. You are such a joy. I never knew I could love another little boy as much as I do. You are such a little sweetie. You smile constantly. You tried you first bite of baby oatmeal on October 31 and you also did your first giggle. Your giggles are few and far between but when you do them they are beautiful. For your first holiday Halloween you and your brother dressed up as Chickens! IT was adorable.
Hayden I adore you your little personality has started to shine. You really love to be held constantly. You are a fantastic nurser! You are a wonderful night time sleeper. You aren't such a great napper but thats ok atleast you sleep through the night. It makes it quite difficult to get things done during the day when you need me to hold you all the time but I know I need to enjoy these moment because before I know it you won't want me at all to hold you.
Your brother has come to really adore you. I now but you in the highchair when we are in the kitchen and your brother pulls you close to him and tells you he loves you over and over. It melts my heart. I hope you and your brother will be best friends. He can always make you smile and I can't wait till you guys can play together. Well little boy we adore an dlove you and can't wait for many more firsts that will come with you. Oh you also set up by yourself for a few seconds on October 31. Apparently that was a big day for you~!
We love you Hayden Jackson!!! Thank you for being our second born we are soooo blessed.
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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