We made it to the end of our vacation! Today is your 6 month birthday and the day we head back to Florida! It was bittersweet leaving because it mean't we wouldn't see your Uncle Ryan or Aunt Michelle for a very long time. But it was nice to be going back home.. I missed my bed, your bed ( so you weren't in bed with me), my car and just being at our home.
Before we left Daddy wanted to go visit Lincoln Park. So you, me Daddy and this time Grandma Bell loaded up and headed to the park before we took off the the airport. It was the coldest this day that it had been all week!
This trip was certainly a learning experiance... at times it brought out the worst and the best between me and your Daddy. Its hard in these high stress situations but we made it. While watching Uncle Ryan and Aunt Michelle get married it helped me remember what marriage is all about. Its about a life long commitment through thick and thin. Through the good times and the bad times me and your Daddy are going to stick together. Not only because we have you but because we love and are committed to eachother! I am thankful that we went not only for our wonderful trip to be with family on this special day but to learn and remember this valuable lesson. Sometimes we all need a gentle reminder what love, commitment and marriage are all about! Thank you for being our son.. the greatest blessing that has ever been bestowed upon your Daddy and I (besides Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins so we can one day all be in heaven!). We love you Pierce and our lives are so much fuller because of you...
Awww, love it. :) Love all the pictures...so cute!!
I loved reading about your entire trip. You looked stunning on their wedding day! What a good boy he is and yes, a stressful situation. I can't imagine what it is going to be like with two! LOL
I'm glad you made it home safely and are back in your bed, minus rib kicking! LOL
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