Life....: Day 3... Rehersal and Zoo!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 3... Rehersal and Zoo!

Off to the zoo we go! Me, you and Daddy headed the zoo bright early in the morning! We had such a nice time at the zoo. The zoo in Bismarck, ND is sooo different than any zoo in Florida. Its basically like a huge park that has all these wild animals that you can touch and feed. It was really really cool how up close and personal you could get with the bears, monkey's, bison, prarie dogs that run wild, birds, lions, deer and really any wild animal you could imagine. You were such a good boy all day and just cruised around in your stroller!

Mama was pretty tired b/c 1. lack of sleep with a foot in my rib all night 2. being out late for the party 3. you waking at 6:00 am.. Good times! But we made it! IT was pretty hot in ND and it seems that we brought Fl with us. So we had a good time at the zoo.

Later that day we had the rehersal dinner. You were such a good boy as always! We called it any early night because we had a long day the next day ahead of us! It was almost time for Uncle Ryan and Michelle to tie the not!

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