Day 2 baby bear we made it through the night. YEs you were up at 5:30 am but thank you Jesus we were right next door too your grandparents so guess where you went.. Over there! Thank goodness your grandpa Bell loves you so much LOL! So day two Daddy you and I head over the the Bad Lands. Its about a 2.5 hour drive. You were soo good on the way there. It rained most of the drive and we had to pull over in a podunk town for gas but we made it!

Its a state park that looks like the Grand Canyon I guess. I wouldn't really know I have never been there. So off we go exploring!

Thank goodness the park is one that you could drive the whole way through! There was places to hike but because we had you with us we had to put that on the back burner! We saw tons and tons of prarie dogs! One Buffalo (poor daddy looked and looked for one and it was like 2 miles away but we saw it) some wild horses and beautiful scenery! It was really a very nice time!

YOu were such a good boy the whole time we were driving around considering you HATE your carseat!

So we begin to head back because mama has a bachelorette party for your new Aunt Michelle! So off we go! Thank goodness for Daddy! He is sooo good to you! He took care of you all evening of course with the help of my extended family but none the less did. You have one good daddy and I have one Great hubby! So off to day 3!
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