My sweet sweet little boy... you are offically 7 months old today! Wow how you have grown over the last 7 months and its hard to believe you have been in my life for 16 months. You are such a joy... last night you suprised me by sleeping all the way through the night. You often wake up crying and I come and snuggle you and you are fast asleep again. It has been particurlay hard the last few days with you waking multiple times a night but I know when you are ready too you will sleep peacefully through the night.

Some of your milestones:
- you can definatly roll all over the place
- you are trying to crawl and your soo darling as you try
- you love to pull yourself into a standing position especially during bath time...
- you love your jumperoo and even when your not in it you are trying to jump!
- you love Max (grandma's dog) and I think he loves you
- you have regular play dates with baby Kella.. and on a rare occasion you even get a playdate with Aiden and Kaitlyn
- you love to give wet sloppy kisses and I love to recieve them
- you have started reaching for me anytime I'm near and than you cling to me like you never want me to let go... I never want to let go...
- you really are my little ham.. any chance you get you ham it up for the people around you, just so they aww and ohh over you... it makes me smile and reminds me of myself!
- you also love love love praise music.. anytime you need to calm down I just put on some praise music and sing to you and most of the time it works
- you adore the beach...
- you are teething which makes for some hard periods in the day where you scream but its all worth it...
- you also have this very loud beautiful voice that you like to use all the time... I am so thankful to be able to hear it... please never stop talking to your mama

All in all son you are the love of my life and I cannot wait to see you grow and change in the many months to come. Don't grow up to fast though cause I don't want to miss a thing. Thank you for being a light in my life and for loving me as your mom unconditionally.. I hope I will always make you proud as a mom and you can look back one day and know how much I loved and cherished every second that I got with you. You are the best little boy... I love you! Happy 7 month birthday!