Well yesterday was just a fabulous day! It was my day off with my little guy which in itself is wonderful! (My hubby worked at the station so I was alone with the baby) First baby bear took a 2 hour nap in the morning! It was fabulous! I got so much stuff done dishes, laundry, cleaned the house/room! It was just great! Once he was awake we were up and moving and headed over to my friend Kelley's house to play with baby Kella and do some shopping! Well we were able to do alot of floor time over there because she has carpet. We don't get to much floor time at my house unfortunatly because our whole house is tile! So we played on the floor for hours! My little guy finally has accomplished rolling from his back to front and rolling across the floor multiple times! I have never been a more proud mama! I was soooo excited for him! He is just growing leaps and bounds and I love it!
Well ever since he was sick with a cold about 2 months ago he has had the sleeping issues which I have talked about mulitple times! Well I have tried to be consistent... no paci, sleeping on back or tummy, putting in bed awake to help you self soothe, letting you fuss in the night for short periods and not running in there right away and last but not least no longer staying at grandma and grandpa's house multiple times a week! I think this was the big one staying away from home. I just think it confuses him and doesn't help him feel secure when he is in a different place every few days! So I have cut out staying there when my hubby works and am staying home with him! Well last night the first night in 2 months he slept soundly through the whole night!!! It was FABULOUS!!! I was in shock! I went in to wake him up at 7:00 am to go to my mom's cause she is watching him today and he did not want to get up! I hope this is a good trend and he will keep this up! He will probably not sleep tonight just because I bragged on my super little boy!!! I just love the little guy so much..
I also have decided I'm going to try and cloth diaper. I am going to try Kushi Ultra Diapers. I placed and order for them today and can't wait to try them. I really want to help with the environment and I just feel it will be so much better for his little tush! HOpefully he will like them and they will work well. I will have to let you know! Anyways I am off have to get back to work but lets pray and hope the little guy sleeps well tonight again! I jsut love him to pieces God has truly blessed me!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
I can't remember...is your husband a fire fighter?
It is hard when dad is away from home every other night, but my kiddos (4 & 2) do really feel much safer and secure sleeping at home then anywhere else.
Now, we were married for many years (almost 11) before we had children so I was used to sleeping alone. I was a bit overwhelmed when we had our first baby and my husband's paternity leave ended and he had to go back to those 24-hour shifts, but somehow I managed. Scratch that, I more than managed. I was able to create routines and rituals that me and my little still enjoy!
Good luck with bedtime tonight...hope you get another good night's rest!
I hope he continues to sleep good for you. :)
Yes my hubby is a fireman! My boy did GREAT last night also! I feel like we are on the up swing.. Unfortunatly my hubby worked a 48 these last two days and for some reason it bothers me. I know he is doing it for us but part of me resents him... I think its just cause I miss him and one night is fine but 2 nights alone not so much fun! Well I hope he continues to do well also!! Thanks for the encouragement!!!
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