What a night I had... or better yet he had...
Unfortunately I had to work yesterday and so did my hubby. So I left work to go pick up my son from his Great Aunt Terry's. I get there and I notice that he is a little standoffish.. I think its because babies sort of resent their mama's when they leave them for long periods of time. Maybe its all in my head. Well I'm feeling really guilty by now..
So we head home. Its about a 30 min car ride. We finally get home and he had been crying for about 20 min. I call my neighbor and ask him to PLEASE come help me get the baby out cause I have tons of stuff to unload and I don't want to bring the baby in and just leave him to cry. (My hubby worked till 8:30 last night so I needed extra help). So my neighbor comes over takes my son out and brings him in side. Once inside I unload as fast as I can I'm on the phone with my hubby and I'm extremely stressed out. I walk in side and my son is SCREAMING/CRYING like I have never heard before. Well I go in there in my neighbor is like "I don't know why I just took him out of his carseat this is very unlike him..." I agree so I take my son and just hold him. Instantly when I pick him up he stops crying and just stares at me with these big sad eyes..... saying.. why did you leave me mama, I thought you were going to leave me again. So needless to say I held, rocked, laughed, sand, read to him and just loved on my son until it was time for him to go to bed.
So as you all know I've been having problems with my son sleeping. He flips to his back and his paci falls out causing him to wake up, fuss until I come in there to flip him back over and put a paci back in. Well I decided that I can't do that anymore because we both need our sleep and he needs to learn that its OK to sleep through the night without a paci. He used to all the time but he's kind of reverted. Very weird. Well last night I put him on his back (which he hates) and no paci. He cried for about 15 min and finally fell asleep. PHEW! Well he probably woke up about 10 times last night but never fussed longer than 15 min so i never went in there. It was kind of a relief that he was able to put himself back to sleep without a paci or being on his tummy. I'm praying tonight is better for him. Finally at 6:00 am he had been crying for over 30 min I went and got him, gave him his paci finally and put him in bed with me. He was OUT like a Light!!! My hubby and I just covered him in kisses while we laid in bed with him. We both adore this little boy more than we could ever express. Well now I'm just praying that tonight is better than last and he will learn to suck on his hands or his thumb..
Well that was our night. I love my son to peaces and I'm sad to say I am working again today. Thank goodness I will have the next four days off. I really just need some time with my boy. I miss him. I miss everything about him when I'm at work.
Well if anyone has any advice please let me know. I just want a happy healthy mama and baby!
First of all what a precious picture.
Second I have no advise seeing as my little boy isn't out yet but I'm taking all of this in and readying myself for it all. I know I will be exhausted and stressed just like you are but I can't wait to hold him in my arms and be able to love on him. Your son really loves you, that's so sweet. What a blessing.
Thank you! Yes having a son is absolutly wonderful and I would never ever change it for the world! You have no idea how wonderful it will be to first hold your son. Its like nothing that can be described! Can't wait to see pics of your little guy :-)
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