I miss my son... 2-3 times a week I go into the office to work and I feel so much guilt. Either my hubby or my mom takes care of my son during this time but I just feel so guilty that I can't be the one to take care of him. I miss him like crazy when I'm at work and I feel that I am missing so much that is going on in his life. ON the other hand I know that right now we really need the insurance that my company provides and the small paycheck that I bring home. I know it won't get easier and I'm so thankful for my job.. but there is this little nagging thing in the back of my mind that just makes me feel so guilty that I'm not with him.. There are days when I'm in a meeting and I remember back when he was in my belly just 5 short months ago. He was with me at all times I felt him kick I fed him I loved him in my belly! He came to all my meetings and sales calls ad now I'm all alone. I dont know I just miss my son and I wish I could be with him all times.
I am thankful though that my husband can be with him or my mom. I know he will be fine and every moment I have with him I do appreciate a little more! Thank you Lord for my son, my hubby, my family and my job!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
It is sooo hard to work and be away from our little ones. I worked full-time the first three years of Mary's life; I job-shared (teacher) last year and it still felt like too much...perhaps b/c we added a 2nd baby to the mix. Regardless, we often must work for health insurance and other necessary benefits (food anyone?), but it doesn't make it any easier.
Don't beat yourself up too much...I know, easier said then done!
Thanks for the encouragement. I do feel though that if we chose to have any more children that I woudl really like to take a determined amt of time off. I literally went back to work after 1 week :-(. Oh well sometimes you really have to do what you have to do! Thank you though!
Bless your heart! One of my best work girlfriends came back from maternity leave today, and we've had some tears. I want to tell you not to feel mom guilt, but I know that's something I'll struggle with when it's "my turn," so like Valerie said, easier said than done!
Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your home tour post with your boy's closet - his rivals most of the baby girl closets!
I didnt know you had a blog!! I'm excited that i get to read it. :) ps. Don't feel guilty! he prob loves the daddy time, but i know how hard it is. I feel the same way working 2 days a week. Hang in there!
Hey Ashley! Thank you yes I just made my blog public! I love reading yours! Your son is Adoarable! I can't wait till you find out if you are having a boy or a girl!
I can not imagine what you are going through. I will have to go back to work full time! I am dreading that so much and I am so early in my pregnancy. But I worry about missing so many moments in my babies lives. I too have the insurance coverage with my company so it would be crazy to leave! Good luck honey!
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