Oh my dear son... you have changed leaps and bounds. Everyday you are doing something new! I love it! You are now a rolling machine. You roll everywhere and its adorable! You are also a splashaholic! I put you in the bath and you splash like there is no tomorrow! I have to step back really far cause you are so crazy with those splashing hands of yours! You also are very needy for your mama! I put you in your round-about toy and you run around it till you reach me and you constantly tap on my leg, grin and smile at me till I pick you up! Than you want me to hold and play with you for 10-15 min! Once your done.. you fuss.. i put you back down in it and your off running playing! I love watching you grow and change!
Son you have got this contagious laugh! You just make me laugh all the time and I love it. You also do this thing where you open your mouth real big and try to bite me! Its soo funny cause you get so serious and charge at me! Of course you don't bite you just put your mouth on me! I love it! You sit up like a pro now and you are trying soooo hard to sit up by yourself! You also are starting to try and crawl! You poor thing though you cant figure out how to lift your head and legs at the same time so you scoot along on your face! Its quite funny and you don't seem to mind. I know one day you will learn!

You are sleeping through the night almost perfectly now! I love it and I love you! I have been consistent we never stay anywhere but our house I think you are most comfortable here.. Hence the reason you sleep! Also I walked in today because I had heard you fuss and there you are with a binkie in your mouth and a grin! I had to laugh because I didn't give you the binkie you put it in yourself! I was SOOOOO proud!! I think you may be teething because you are a CHEW monster! Whether your are chewing on me or on a toy its chew chew chew! You are also on a new feeding schedule! Its so much easier and you honestly seem happier. Here is its!
8:00 a.m. wake up. Breakfast fruit and 7 ounce bottle of formula
10-12:00 Nap
12:00 p.m. 9 ounce bottle
3:00 p.m. Veggie
4:00 p.m. 8 ounce bottle
4:00-6:00 Nap
8:00 p.m. Oatmeal and 7 ounce bottle! and off to bed!!!
So you only get 4 bottles now and its way easier and like I said you are happier! I love you son more than I could ever tell you!

Well we will have a new experience for you in the next few days! We are going to NORTH DAKOTA! Your Uncle Ryan is getting married! I'm sooo nervous flying with you because I of course have never done this! I'm also nervous because I'm afraid you won't sleep well! Of course I will be praying lots that you will! You will have mama and Daddy with you that's all that matters! Son I look at you and I want to cry because I truly do know how blessed I am.. I am so unworthy for God to have blessed me with a child that brings me sooo much more meaning to my life! Son you are a gift from God more than I deserve. Yes you can be difficult and you can throw a tantrum like the best of them (like I said I think you are teething) But you also bring me more joy than anything I have been given in my life. You are mine and your Daddy's little sunshine and we would never trade you for the world! Thank you for being the best son! We love you!!!