Oh how the time has flown. You boys are such a blessing to my life and I am so thankful for you two. I wanted to remember that I found out I was pregnant with your newest little brother or sister about 3 weeks ago. Pierce you will continue to be the best big brother I'm sure and Hay you will be a great one also. The other day I asked you Pierce what was in my belly and you told me "2 babies" I said hopefully only 1 and we will find out in a week.
Pierce these last few weeks you have grown into the sweetest little boy. I am so proud of how kind, sweet and how much more you are obeying these days. As long as you are rested and getting enough sleep you are such a sweetie. when I tell you I love you you always say "I love you to Mommy. Pierce makes Mommy Happy" And you know what Pierce you are right. You make me so happy and feel so blessed. I don't deserve such a kind sweet boy like you.
You adore your Hayden. You tell me all the time wheres my Hayden I love my Hayden. You can be very mean to him also but most of the time you are very kind.
Hayden you are such a joy as well. You like to have screaming fights with your brother and you always start it. You are so funny. You have quite the little attitude also now adays but your so much fun to be with. You are a snuggle bug and a little sweetie. Here are the words you are saying, "Elephant, mama, dada, all done, more, bye bye and sometiems other words but I can't remember right now.
Hayden you keep us smiling and we love you so much. You are such a nice boy and I am blessed to have you as well. Daddy keeps calling you the middle child now but you know what you will be ok. You are just as loved as your other siblings and are sooo special to us.
I love you boys and I am so thankful for you both!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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