Wow has time flown. You both are such wonderful, beautiful boys. I am so thankful that you are both mine. I'm sorry you arent' getting seperate post but mama has been very busy! Hayden you are quite the walker and Pierce you are quite the talker! You both keep me on my toes by the second. Hayden you are repeating very well now! We have lots of new additions to our family. We have a kitty named Frankie you both love her and we have 3 chicks! So that brings our family to 9 if you include Lady and the human family! LOL You both love all the animals.
Pierce you refuse to nap most days and the other day we thought for sure you were sleeping for a good 2 hours we were so proud. We heard some noice and came in and walked into your room. Low and behold you had gotten ahold of a sharpie. You had drawn all over your walls, covered both of your legs entirely, and you colored all the faces in your princess book. It was a huge mess. Every one laughs when I tell them the story. I am still painting your walls! AHHHH Son you make me nuts sometimes.
Hayden you are walking and running. You are the funniest little boy. I cut your bangs because I was afraid you couldn't see and thats why you keep tripping. Daddy hates them he was so mad and said now you look like a little girl. I think you look perfect so fewy on him!
So we went trick or treating. You both wore super hero capes that auntie michelle made you. You were both adorable. As we were going you Mimi went with us and on our way home she tripped and fell right on top of you both who were in the wagon. It was the funniest thing I had ever expieranced. Ya'll didn't think it was funny but I did. Pierce you loved running up to the doors and yelling trick or treat. You did it perfect.
I love both you boys so very very much you keep me on my toes and i wouldn't trade anything to have my life differently. I love you boys!!!
Love your mama!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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