Hayden where has this year gone. In almost exactly 24 hours you will be 1 years old. I cannot believe it. This year has been a rollar coaster but I would not change it for the world. I never thought I would love having two children so close in age but I do. I am so thankful that you and your brother are only 19 months apart. Often times you fight but those few times a day where you both dote on eachother it makes it all worth it.
I know your brother adores you and you adore him but you both enjoy picking on eachother. Its quite funny. I break up fights all through out the day. I think the problem is you want to be like your brother so much but your brother doesn't quite know how to deal with it. He likes his space and HIS toys! I know it will work out though.
You still crab crawl like the best of them. You stand on things but you do not stand completely alone and you are not walking independantly. I think God has found favor on me thats why you are taking your time. i don't think I'm ready to be chasing TWO little boys. One is already enough. You are our laid back chill child most of the time. But when you are angry you are ANGRY!
You are very independent and prefer to feed yourself. You adore your Daddy and when he comes into the room you light up. I have to say if you have a choice though you prefer your mama. I love it and I hope that never changes. You weigh about 25 lbs now and wear 18 month clothes. Not sure how long you are we go to the dr. in a few days and I will update.
You love to be tossed in the air and you think its soo great when we sing to you. You love to dance to "If your Happy and you Know it". I love that. I sing it often just to get you moving. You are obssessed with Lady. Lady tolerates you but I think you enjoy her more than she enjoys you. Are like to talk and squeal and smile. You lvoe other little kids and especially little girls! You throw a ball very well and hard. I think I grow athletic little boys. You still love to put EVERYTHING in your mouth! You also love to pull other peoples hair and your own. Especially when you are tired you grab fistfuls of your hair. Its a sure sign its bed time.
We had a little birthday party in Bradenton and at Grandma Fullers. You loved smashing the cake all over your body and face. It was sooooo funny. Your brother did not do that on his one year birthday. He wanted nothing to do with the cake unlike you. I am so happy you are just the way you are.
I adore you little boy. You are growing way to fast and I can't believe that tomorrow you will be a "yearling" no longer my baby. Thank you Jesus for this precious gift you have given us. We are more than blessed to have you in our lives and I am so thankful. I love you son I can't wait for the many years to come I just hope they don't come too fast. Well I love and adore you and can't wait to see how God will use you for his glory one day.
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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