8/16/2011 - 8:45 am I leave home for work. I arrive at work and everything was normal at home when I left. The boys were dressed and Daddy was in charge. We are building a room on for the boys so Daddy has been very very busy with this for the last few weeks. Apparently when I left he assumed that he could work in the room and care for the kids at the same time. NOT!!! Well he walks out of the room to check on the kids and Pierce had emptied all the cheerios on the floor and was chasing Hayden around spraying him with a squirt bottle.
So Daddy picks up Hayden and takes him to the bathroom to rinse him off while he is doing this Pierce empties a hold toothpaste on the floor. While Kyle is cleaning it up Pierce proceeds to pour soap all over hayden. So back into the bath he goes. During all this Hayden has three diarreahs. So lots of diaper changes. At one point Pierce goes up to Daddy and says here look and Kyle sees that its poop he had pulled out of his diaper and rubbed all over himself. LOVELY! Into the bath he goes.
Naptime doesn't go as planned. Pierce refused to nap and apparently bit his tounge in all the screaming and there is blood all over his pillow. At somepoint after getting up after his non nap he "ran into a wall" Pierces word and it looks like he has a broken rib. LOVELY. by 1:00 pm I get a phone call from Kyle to come home immediatly he cannot handle these kids ANYMORE! LOL. So home I came. I told him now you have a little more respect for me right! LOL NOw you see how hard I do work I ACTUALLY WATCH them. He's like yea but its sooooo boring to sit there with them. LOL He just doesn't get it. He said well you always say as long as they are alive when you get home you are happy. Yes I did say that I said well they are alive and atleast clean even though my house looks like a tornado went through it.
Needless to say Daddy has left to the hardware store LOL. FOr a break! WEll the story of your lives boys it is ALWAYS an adventure. Mommy and Daddy loves you but Mommy might have to retire her one day a week job!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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