My Piercy Pie! You are 32 months old! I cannot believe it. You are almost 3 years old. I am one blessed mama to have had you even this long. I absolutly cannot believe how fast time has flown. You are not longer a baby you are a boy. You have grown leaps and bounds in the last few months and it blows me away. As of about 1 week ago you are officially potty trained. I decided it was time took the diaper off put on your Thomas the Train undies and you were set!
You have had ZERO accidents for about 3 days! I am so proud. You are so great at using the potty. You sleep through your nap and night time dry! You are pretty amazing. I tried to put you in a pull up just in case today for church and you refused! Of course you did perfect there! You hold your poo a lot more than you used to and you sat on the potty for about 20 min tonight and still couldn't go. I know it will get better you kind of have poo anxiety LOL! I love you little boy.
You say the absolutly funniest things. you make me laugh constantly. You told Daddy last night "don't wear my underware dear" LOL. You said that because I had said it you are a little parrot its so funny. You are a great bowler for your age as well. You can get your own ball bring it down and push it without ANY help! Its quite amazing considering your age! :-) When you missed the bowling pin you walked over and said Gosh Dangit I missed. I prefer you not use those words but you used it in the right context LOL! You are sooooo funny.
The other day you were on the phone (pretending) and you kept saying "Mommy's Crazy" I think you were saying that because I always say Mimis and Grandma are crazy LOL. You are so funny! I can't say that enough. You can't wait till brother gets to move into your room. Soon enough he will be in your room but he can't till he finishes teething but soon enough. We built you your very own play room and you love it! Brother loves it as well. Pierce we adore you! I need to write about you more so I don't forget. You really are wonderful.
Every night we sing a few songs. Your favorites are "You are my Sunshine", "Jesus Loves Me", and "Abc's". Than we say our prayers. You are such a snuggle bug at night also and your daddy and i love to hug on you. You have become quite the little book worm. Its about time! WEll we love and adore you so much you are a great big brother, an amazing son and hopefully a follower of Christ one day! I love you Pierce to the moon and stars!
This...This is 55
6 months ago