Pierce I cant believe you are 30 months old! You will be 3 years old before I know it. You are such a joy to have in my life. I love you so much little boy. You really adore your family especially your brother. Yes you like to pick on him but most of the time you love on him! You say soooo many words its hysterical. Yesterday on your 30 month birthday we went to Sports Authority. You were like a kid in a candy store! You loved everything about the store. I couldn't find you and all of a sudden I see you ride by on a big kid bike with training wheels! You have never been on one of those before! I couldn't even believe it! You rode it around and around the store! It was hysterical! I was soooooooo proud of you! Than you saw someone on a skate board and you decided you wanted to try it. So I put you on it and you used it in the proper way. I was soooooo proud! You rode the skate board all of the store! You almost had us buy you one but once we saw the price we didn't sorry buddy! Maybe for your 3rd birthday! Little boy you are amazing! WE love you and are so proud to call you our own! I cant wait to see what the many more years have!
I love you little boy! Thank you for being mine!
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6 months ago