Oh my loves how things have changed. Hayden you went with Mommy and Daddy to North Dakota to meet your little cousin caleb! You were such a delightful little baby the whole trip... wait BIG baby! You are a big boy! You were so good on the airplane you were wonderful there you are just such a little sweetie right now. Everyone who meets you is just amazed at how much you smile. How you are the happiest baby they have ever seen. They say you should be on commercials or in photos. I let them know it only took four months of screaming to get this great baby! We will take ya. The only bad habit you picked up is wanting to sleep in bed with Mommy EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! So we are going to be making some changes over here. We missed your brother terribly while we were gone. I think you were very happy to see him and him to see you.
So the changes we are making besides Hayden forcing you to sleep in your own bed now but cutting out all junk food. WE want you and brother to be healthy happy boys and so we are going to start putting more boundries and less junk around our home. I think this will make for happier boys and happier parents. We just love you both so much and really do want the best for you boys! Hayden the other day you have starte dthe huge belly laugh it cracks me up. You still don't do it often but when you do it is amazing. Your brother is the one who can get you to laugh the most. Well boys I adore you both more than you know and I am so thankful to be your mommy and I can't wait to see what the future holds! I love you Pierce and Hayden!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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