Hayden my love you are 6 months old! How the time flies. You do so many new things now adays. You sit like a king. You are so good at sitting and honestly I don't know how you got so good at it because I hold you about 75% of the day but you are darn good at it. So now you sit alot. You are also a rolly polly!!! You roll everywhere. Before I know it you will be crawling! AHHHH!!! You adore your big brother. I don't know what I did right in this world to have two little boys who love eachother to pieces! You are such a sweet reminder of how much God has blessed me!
hayden this last month has also been challenging. From putting you on some type of schedule to you being on a nursing strike! I thought for sure that yesterday on your real 6 months of life that we were done nursing for good. You didn't nurse at all yesterday till finally at bedtime I let you try one more time. And boy did you do good. Than today all day you have nursed great. I don't know maybe you needed a day break. I cried and cried because it broke my heart that you refused to nurse. It made me so sad and I cried to your daddy that I know this won't be the last time you break my heart. But the good news is we will still nurse and if you refuse a time than you can have a bottle and I will be ok. I think honestly you are just to busy and like to see what every one else is doing so why would you want to nurse when you can have a bottle! OH well time will tell.
Your other new favorite thing is waking up sometime in the middle of the night wanting to come to bed with us. So what do I do? I of course bring you to bed. I would rather sleep well than constantly try to get you to sleep in your bed. Atleast for now. This time is only for a short time before you know it you won't want your mommy anymore so I am enjoying every second with you. I lay you right smack in the middle of the bed on your pillow and your gone! You sleep like a champ in my bed! I love you little boy.
Well we leave tomorrow for North Dakota! That will be crazy and I know you will miss your brother but I am so excited to see your newest little cousin. I love you son you are the light of my eye! Thank you for being such a great little boy and for loving your family so much. I pray and hope that the love you have for us will also be the love you have for our Lord and Savior! I love you little boy!
Love your mama!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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