I cannot believe I have had you for 26 MONTHS! I am one BLESSED mama! I love you son! You are definatly going through some changes. You have become very clingy. You just need your mommy and daddy a lot right now. You need us and you need us to not be with brother. I think you need to feel important and I want you to! SOn I love you. I think about you and I honestly lose my breath you are the sweetest most special little boy in the whole wide world. I never want to take one moment for gratite with you boys. I am so thankful to have all this time with you! You are speaking so much more now and so much more clearly. You talk constantly. You have also developed a love of books! I love this. It only took you 2 years to get here and cable being cancelled so we nev er watch tv but now you love it! THere are many evenings we sit on the couch all 4 of us we read books and sing songs. And than almost everynight after dinner we go for our evening walk. You ride the scooter and mommy and dadd walk. This is one of my favorite times of day with you, brother and Daddy! Its very strange though you think every color is green... hmm... i wonder if you are colorblind LOL! You sleep in yoru room great now because you are locked in. WE had to do this because you kept escaping when you were supposed to be sleeping! It works and you sleep better! You can count to ten! You also sing Holy Holy Holy is the lord God almighty. There are times when my days are busy and you say "Mommy"... I look at you and you have your hands folded and you say "pray" and so we do! Son I am so thankful that you have a heart for Jesus! When we pass the church you yell for it! You want to be there. I pray to God this desire to know and love him will never falter! I want you to be a light for the Lord and to always proclaim his name! You are amazing son! You will be a leader when you are older you will be someone GREAT! I can't put into words how special you really are. I know that God has some BIG plans for you and I pray I mold and guide you the way the Lord would have me to! You are perfect!
Little boy I adore you i love you and I am so thankful for you! Thank you for being my little boy for being super atheltic I think its awesome and for being strong headed. I like the strong headedness because I know like I said you will be a leader and you will make a difference!!! WEll I love you little boy and look forward to every single day and moment that I have with you!
This...This is 55
6 months ago