Pierce and Hayden I never knew how full and beautiful my life could be till I had you both. I feel like my life is complete now that I have my Hayden and my Pierce and I could not be happier. I want to cherish every single crazy moment with both of you. I never thought I would want to be a stay at home mom but after this month of being home with both of you I can't imagine ever leaving for work again.
I had to go in for a few hours the other day and Pierce you just cried and cried. It broke my heart. I just longed to be home with you the whole time I was gone not only emotionally but Hayden my body knew that you needed me for food. I could not wait to get home to you to feed you to hold you to snuggle you. And Pierce when you woke up from your nap after I had been home the smile on your face to see I had returned melted my heart. I love you boys more than anything well besides your Daddy and Jesus of course.
I just adore both of your spirits and every moment when it can't get any louder when I want to go crazy I try to remember this won't be like this forever.... cherish every m oment. Before I know it you will both be grown you won't wnat your mama anymore. You won't want to hug eachother or me and Daddy for that matter. I love you both I adore you I never want to forget a moment with you.
Pierce now that you are in school two days a week you love it. You are always so happy when I come to pick you up. You have had such a wonderful time and I know its just a time where you get to fill up on Jesus and sing songs about him and read books about Him. ITs sooo good for you Pierce. I know that Jesus is going to be singing in your soul. I know everytime you hear music about God and Jesus your soul is rejoicing and I rejoice in knowing this. You love to sing and I pray that Jesus will grab your heart before anyone or anything else ever gets a chance and you will know the true meaning of Christ and you will lead others to him. Hayden I pray the same for you I pray that your spirit will long to be with JEsus and that you will cling to him. That you and your brother will leave a legacy and it will be a beautiful one. I love you both so much.
THank you boys for teaching me so much in my life for loving me and for depending on me for all of your needs I adore you both. Pierce and Hayden thank you for being my sons and I pray all the days of your lives that you will know how much your Daddy and I love you and that you will truly understand what you mean to us!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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