Pierce Man you are officially 20 months old today and you go to school now! I love you so much and this last month has been full of changes and adjustments and you have rocked! You have become a Daddy's boy like no other! You adore your Daddy especially because mama has to feed brother Hayden a lot and there is just a lot going on. Every morning you wake up yelling Dada when it used to be Mama. After nap you yell Dada but you know its ok I love that you and your Daddy have such a close relationship!
We both adore you to pieces. You sit like a big boy. You walked into school today holding my hand the whole time. You didn't try to run from me like you used to. YOu are just a better listener all around. When I ask you to throw something away you do. When you go outside and leave the door open I ask you to shut it and you will. YOu still don't eat very well at meal times but we are working on it. YOu don't have tantrums to often but when you do they sure are hard on everyone!
I think you have come to love your little brother or atleast realize he is not going anywhere atleast for the next 18 years! :-). When he cries you will throw your favortie monkey or your phone at him. I think you are trying to console him with those things because they console you. You always run into his room in the morning wanting to get him up. You hold his hand when we ask you to. You kiss his head when we ask you to or you ask to kiss it. You also like to give him his paci when he cries. You want him to feel better. You are a wonderful big brother and I could not have asked for more!!
YOu say lots of new words all the time. Everyday you learn something new and your words and so sweet and precious. I'll try to list your normal vocabulary.
and many more I just cant think of.
You are truly a joy to have in my life and I love you son. Thank you for being with me for 20 beautiful glorious months. I pray for a million more months to have with you! I love you little boy!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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