Oh my little sweetie you are 19 months old today! I adore you so very much and my love for you grows with every passing day. You have brought me so much joy this month and I can't believe how big you are getting.
We have started routines at night of singing and rocking you and I adore this time. I usually end up tickling and singing and praying and we giggle and laugh! ITs wonderful! You are just amazing! You also love your cereal in the morning. You now have a big boy booster seat you sit in at the table and I get you a big bowl of honey nut cheerios and you use your big spoon and feed it to your self till its all gone! It is sooo funny! I love watching you grow into this amazing little boy!
You love to give kisses to EVERYONE! It is so cute! Even a stranger you will kiss! You are very good at self entertaining and entertaining us for that matter as well! I can't believe 19 short months ago you came into our lives and changed us forever! I never knew what it mean't to be a mom and to love someone so selflessly! It is beautiful!
Thank you for being so amazing and I hope and pray that you will continue to grow and love your family and your Lord. When we are in the car listening to z88.3 you sing to all the christian music and I just pray that these words of Truth of Love and of God will become engrained on your soul and you will always look to the Lord for guidance and for Truth!
I love you little boy and I am the proudest mama on the block! Thank you for loving us!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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