Oh little boy you are absolutly fantastic. I am so in love with you that it takes my breath away! I cannot believe you are already 18 months old. You seem so much older than you are, time please slow down!!!! You do the silliest things constantly. You have started pretending this last few weeks. YOu pretend you are eating something and you will even share your pretend food. It just makes me laugh. The first time I "Caught" you eating something I thought you really were but nope it was pretend and you just smiled at me. You also like to smell your feet! It is hysterical! You smell them and make an eww face! You started all these new things on family vacation.
We went to a river house in Daytona with Grandma Bells side. IT was the Dyal clan! YOu had an absolutly blast! You loved being with all of your great aunts and uncles and your two cousins Nathan and Jared. You also loved your Uncle Ryan and Michelle and of course your grandparetns! You are so funny and such a ham and people love it. You put on a dance and singing show with Nathan, you swam/floated with mama, you went out to the dock with Daddy and fished, you pushed Nathan and were pushed on your fire truck, you ran around like a crazy man and were chased or chasing constantly, you took 3 hour naps almost every day we were there, you ate like a crazy man and probably gained a few pounds, you pretended to be asleep when I said it was bed time just to get out of going to bed, and you loved the beach!
When we got back from vacation I was soooo tired so Daddy took you out to the woods to hike so I could get some rest. He said that you were soooo funny. It was very quite out there and you couldn't take it so you started making animal sounds! You would also point to the trees and yell tree. You are just so silly and pretty darn amazing if you ask me!
LIttle boy you are amazing! The 4th of July was pretty uneventful. We went to church and than we ate dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Bell. Daddy missed us though because he helped his parents move into their new home! ON the 4th you said the word cheese and even said "more cheese". You are starting to talk even more and we couldn't be prouder.
You are going to be the best big brother and I can't wait to see what this next year holds! I love you little boy!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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