Oh little boy what a weekend you have had. Lets just start with Friday.
Friday: I have been concerned the last month you are constantly running a low fever. Don't know why if its teeth related or what not so I call the Dr. and insist that you get seen and get a lab write up for blood work to make sure all is ok. I just get worried that if I don't take care of this now to make sure you are healthy that when your little brother comes I will forget and not take time to do it. So we go to the Dr. that morning your temp was 101.5 of course when we get there you are normal and healthy as a horse according to the Dr. Well they order the blood work because of my insistence. We go to South Seminole where you were born and they draw your blood. They call you Mr. Strong man because you are so strong and a very big lady had to hold you still. It was so sad and you cried so hard. But they got the blood and ran the test. Well we go home that night and your temp is then of course 102.7 and I give you meds through the night. Poor little sick boy. Saturday we had plans to go and visit your great grandparents in Bradenton not sure if we are going.
Saturday: YOu wake up and your fever is still 102.7 so it hadn't broken at all through the night. ME you daddy and grandparents decide we should still go if your gonna be sick here or there whats the diff. It was a long ride but you made it your fever stayed the same all day even with meds every 3 hours. Your great grandma bell got to snuggle and rock you while you slept for 2 hours. This is how we know you are sick :-). Well before we left we take your temp and your at 104.2. It was sooo scary. We get in the care for the 2.5 hour ride and get home. As your nanny bell is taking you out of the care you are limp and burning with fever. We decide we have to sponge bathe you until your fever is down before putting you to bed. I was sooo scared and worried for you. So Daddy and I get you down to your diaper and start the sponge bath and you just laid on us wimpering off and on it was pitiful. Finally around 9:30 your fever is down to 103 and we feel you can go to bed. You go to bed and wake a few times your fever finally breaks and you don't wake till 8:30 on Sunday.
Sunday: You are pretty good running a fever around 101 most of the day but much more your happy self. I was so thankful you made it through the night ok. I worry about you little boy and I love you so much.
MOnday. You are pretty much back to normal. Well I had to take in some of your stool samples for more testing at the hospital so we get this done. We than go home and take a nap. After nap you wake up pretty grouchy but we go to nanny and poppy bells cause poppy was gonig to take care of you while mama and nanny went shopping. You and poppy had a BLASt. you went to the park, the library, the bookstore and the pet store. YOu loved all of it. YOu are such a sweet boy. We get back to the house to meet up for dinner. After eating poppy had bought you 2 books and he was laying on the ground reading them. You walk up to him and put your leg overh is face and sit right smake on his face. It was hysterical. Of course you are laughing. HE moves you and you walk away. You then walk up again while he was reading and try sit on his head again. ME and your nanny laughed sooo hard. Then later you are walking by and he is still laying on the floor playing with you and you decide you are gonig to stand on his face. Thank goodness he was fast and covered his face with his hands and you stood on his hands on his face and jumped laughing and snickering. Oh little boy you are wild. We go home and I put you to bed and you giggle and snicker in there for an hour before falling asleep.
Tuesday: You wake up and we get ready. Before Daddy gets home I decided I wanted to rock you some if you would let me very unusual. Well you did! IT was a small victory. I rocked you for about five min and sang childrens christian songs. Honestly I love you littel boy and I cherish every single moment that I have to sing to you to cuddle and snuggle you to love you more than you could ever imagine. You are my little boy that I hope doesn't grow up to fast and knows how much we adore you. Well hopefully you are having a fun day with Daddy and maybe tonight we can go swimming. I love you little boy!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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