Little boy you just change and grow sooo much. You are quite a handful and I adore you for it. You are so silly that you fill most of our days with giggles!
This morning I made you eggs with cheese and you were so hungry pointing at it. I told you to wait because its hot. All of a sudden I feel a gust of baby breath on me as you are blowing on the eggs/me to cool them down. You then flash me a huge grin. I adore you. That was the sweetest thing to me. Often you will be disobeying and as I try to correct you you look up into the corner of the world almost as if you are rolling your eyes at me. You then look at me and grin and of course all is forgiven. You certainly have me wrapped around your little finger.
You are now in swim lessons and you are doing phennomenal. It is safe start so it teaches you to survive should you fall in the pool. After only 5 lessons you can swim from about 3 ft away from the edge and pull yourself up! I am a very proud mama needless to say. The instructor mentioned yesterday that you are very smart and agile and I will most definatly have my hands full. I looked at her and said you are speaking to the choir I have a wild child! YOu are amazing though.
You still love to poke my big growing belly and stick your finger on my belly button. I hope you know your little brother is in there and that one day you guys will be the best of friends. I still get so sad and my heart aches when I think about you have to share mama and daddy with another little baby. I want you to always know how much we love you son. OUr love for you will never lesson it will only grow!
We no longer give you your paci during the day except car, nap and night time. We quit in hopes that it would help your verbal skills. Low and behold it has! YOu are saying more and more words consistently. You say Dadadada and point to Daddy, Mamama, Hi, Bye and I think sometimes you say Lady! YOu are smart as a whiz! I love you little boy.
You are still a little pistol quit often. You poked grandma Bell in the eye with a crayon the other day for no reason, you threw a fork at her head and missed it and it flew across the kitchen for no reason. You do all these things with a smile on your face. You throw food on the floor on a daily basis we are trying to break this bad habit. But when we are at Grandma Bells you seem to do it more often to get on her nerves. Not sure why but I try to hide my laughter!
I am starting a tradition with you that we will hopefully carry on when little brother arrives but every morning when Daddy gets home from work we wait out on the front porch for him. We talk and wave at the passing cars and when Daddy pulls up you get a grin from ear to ear and make a sprint for him. Today you tripped and scrapped your knee but nothing that mama and daddy couldn't fix. You are so silly little boy we really love you lots.
You climb on everything. You climbed up onto the kitchen chair today while I was cooking breakfast so I pulled it over to the counter and you watched with aww as I made your breakfast. You are sooo cute I just can't stand it sometimes.
You LOVE to sing!!! IT is sooo funny. You love the itsy bitsy spider, you also love Way up in the High little Bird! YOu are so funny when we sing them and you do the motions. We sing all the time. IN the car when we are driving I will have Z88.3 on the radio and as I sing you sing right along! I love it and it will always be a special time that I get to have with you!
Little boy I will never know why God chose to bless me with you my sweet little sunshine but I will never be able to thank him enough. You are amazing I love you to pieces and I hope one day not only will you know how much mommy and daddy love you but you will know how much the Lord above loves you and you will love Him back!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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