I can't believe you are 17 months old! You are one little wild monkey that I adore which isn't suprising since you love monkeys! You have been in swim lessons for a few weeks and you are doing wonderful. You can now float on your back and swim to shore! I am so proud of you and hope this is the beginning of my little swimmer man! You love to be in the pool in general also! Mommy and Daddy were simming in the pool and out of no where you would kind of step in. Of course when you did I made you practice your float on your back and swim to the shore and you didn't like that but hey we gotta practice! You also like to hang your feet over the edge and kick kick kick! You think your pretty great and so do we!
You adore Lady still. Every morning you go and smack your lips and get kisses every morning. Its sooo sweet! You follow her everywhere and always make sure she gets a bite to eat of whatever you are having for breakfast lunch or dinner!
This month you have dealt with lots of sickness from the flu to Hand Foot and Mouth Disease. But we made it! I have never been so worried about you and prayed so hard for healing but you are finally getting better. You are breaking through more teeth as we speak so I am thinking that is why you have a runny nose!
You love being outside! Any chance you get you are outside on your bike, your wagon, or just running! You love to be sprayed with the hose and it has become a game! I love spraying you and your little giggle laugh that you give me.
Every person you meet you brighten their day with your big goofy grin! You love to make people smile and I love that about you! Your facial expressions are priceless and I know you get that from your Mama!
You still like to kiss and poke Mama's belly. I'm sure its not because you know your little brother Hayden is in there its because its big and in your face! Before you know it you will officially be a big brother! I'm so sad for you to have to share me but I know you will love your little brother like crazy!
You have been so attached to Daddy lately and I adore it! You love to be rough with him and climb all over him! You are so silly when you are with your Daddy!
For Mommy's birthday we went to the beach and you had a blast! We dug in the sand. You then decided you wanted to moon all the people there so you kept pulling your pants down! It was very funny!
You climb on everything! The other morning I caught you on TOP of the kitchen table! Oh goodness what am I going to do with you. Before I know it you and Daddy will be on the roof for who only knows what!
Pierce you really are the light of my life and God has blessed us 10 times over by giving us to you! Yes your wild and high energy but I wouldn't change that for the world! You will always be my first born and the little boy that made me a mama and I am so thankful! I love you little boy more than the moon and the stars and can't wait to see what the future holds for you!
Love always!!! Your MAMA!
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6 months ago