Oh my beautiful little boy. You truly are the light of our lives. Everyday that I look at you and study your face I can see that you are getting more and more beautiful both inside and out. I am so in love with you and there are days when I lay in bed and I just think of you and how blessed we are and my breath literally gets caught and taken away because I am so unworthy to have you.
You are changing so much everyday into such a little cutie and I am so thankful for you. Today when I was leaving to go to work you were not ready for me to go. You ran up to me threw your arms around my legs and looked up at me with pleading eyes. When i told you I had to leave you RAN to go get your big black backpack/diaper bag and tried to drag it to me hoping you could go. You couldn't get it to me fast enough so you ran back to me threw your arms around my legs and looked up at me. I bent down kissed you hugged you some more and told yo I would be back this afternoon. You RUN back to your diaper bag as I walk down the stairs grab your paci and run back to the baby gate squeal and throw your paci through the gate to me.. I guess you figured if you can't go at least I should be your paci. I smiled laughed and told you I loved you and waved bye bye. You waved back and Daddy came and scooped you up.
Its hard leaving you for work but sometimes I feel it makes me a better mother. I look forward to the moment I see your little face peering down the stairs at me and you squealing with delight that I am home. I scope you up in my arms and you let me cuddle and play with you the rest of the evening. In the same instance I'm glad that i only work 3 days I would miss you way to much if it was anymore than that. You have started a new game where when i am sitting on the floor which is MOST of the time you come up and start messing with my hair. Of course I laugh and whip my head at you and you giggle uncontrollably. Its hysterical. We do it over and over until you get a little to crazy with pulling my hair and we take a break.
You still prefer showers over baths and you love helping me clean the shower door with our squeegee. You are sooo funny. Daddy and I adore you more than you could ever possibly imagine. We take you to Gemini springs often because you love the big field to be able to run and run and run. I love watching you.
On the days when I have you for 24-48 hours by myself I will sometimes take a 10 min break by putting you in your crib to play. Of course the whole time you are in there you yell at the top of your lungs MAMAMAMAMAMAMAMA. Oh goodness you are a silly thing.
You have started an unusual sleep routine in the morning. There is no rhyme or reason to the times that you wake up. You go to bed every single night between 6:30-7:00. You used to sleep till 7:45 but lately you have been waking around 6:00am. Of course I still leave you in there for another hour and you do the weirdest things. Most of the time you hit or kick your wall/crib/tv ocean thing. Its so strange. You don't talk or anything at first you just bang around. Daddy and I will groan but always manage to go back to sleep and hope you do also. But no by 7:00 you are yelling for us and up we come. But the other day you surprised me. Of course it was a day I couldn't sleep in cause I had to work so I'm up by 7:00 and low and behold you slept till 7:45 WHAT IS UP WITH THAT!
Regardless you are so awesome and we adore you more than anything and we cant wait till you meet your little brother. Oh yea did I tell you the Ultrasound tech is 80% sure we are having another little boy. Honestly I could not be happier because I know you and your brother will be so close especially cause you will only be 19 months apart. You will eventually share a room with him and I can't even begin to imagine the fun and joy you both will bring us.
Well your mommy and Daddy love your face off and we hope we have many many many years of awesome moments with you.
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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