Oh my little P-Dog how you have changed. You are certainly developing a personality unlike anything we have ever seen in you. You are full of energy, life and love and we adore you. You always call for your "mamamamama" and I LOVE it! Today I love my name mama and the joy it brings to my heart to hear you say it over and over and over.
You have become quite the little tantrum thrower. It seems you turned 12 months and you suddenly think you are two. You throw them anytime you do not get your way. It brings many times a day I let you lie on the ground kicking and screaming cause I won't give you the phone and right now I just let you work it out. My theory is no reason to punish you or try to soothe you wait till you work it out and than you will come play with me again. And more times then not you get over it and come on over to your mama.
You are such a joy but such a handful. you seem to get bigger everyday and you are now in 18 months clothes. You run everywhere instead of walk, you scream/talk loudly instead of normal talk, you jump up and down instead of staying still and you laugh loudly instead of a quite giggle. I love you my little loud jumping bean. You just seem so much older than you really are most days. I wish time would slow so I could savor every single moment with you.
You try to mimic words we say often and it makes me proud. You love to read and be read to. Sometimes I catch you reading a book to yourself in the most beautiful sing song voice. I adore you. You refuse to take baths right now and only want showers. Of course you want me to be in the shower with you.. So be it. For now thats our mama and baby time I love to shower with you. You always try to help me clean the shower doors after we are finished and its the cutest little thing.
You have started waking at 6:30am every morning. It used to be 8:30 than it went to 7:30 with time savings and now just this week 6:30am??!?!? I say WHAT?!? LOL OH well hopefully you will sleep longer again at some point.
Right now mama and Daddy are under contract with a house and are working at purchasing it. We will hopefully be purchasing it in the next few weeks and we will move in with our two dogs! You will be thrilled to have dogs around because you love them. You love Grandma Bells dog Max my childhood dog. I always tell G-ma that when Max dies she will HAVE to get a new one b/c you love going to Grandma's to see the dog :-).
It seems like these past 3 weeks atleast one night a week you have stayed with one of the Grandparents while Daddy and I had some us time. It has been nice and we are more than blessed to have family so close. Plus you love Grandma and Grandpa's house. Well little guy we love you and adore you. You are growing up way to fast but we will savor every moment we have.
Love you to pieces! Mama and Daddy!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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