This week has been crazy.. Family has been here and we have been everywhere. You got to celebrate Christmas with all of your family yes different days but none the less with all of them. You absolutly adore your family and they adore you. I remember on December 25 of last year we were wondering when you would be born. And low and behold 2 days later you were. Its amazing to me that a year ago yesterday at 11:35 am you came into this world. You totally rocked our world more than we could imagine. Not only are you 1 but you have a little brother or sister on the way. Its scarey still to think that all next years holidays there will be you and a sibling! Holy cow I will be a mother of 2!
Well Christmas went great and on your birthday yesterday we spent it mostly at home. In the morning you threw the biggest tantrum you have ever thrown and it was funny because I said look is this what our future holds. HOpefully not but only the good Lord knows! You are such a charmer. You do so many things now and I love it.
- wave bye bye and hello
- Clap
- Dance like its not body's business thats our favoite
- You escaped out of the nursery last week when we were at church
- you love your grandparents like no bodys business
- you are a mamas boy for sure
- but you love to play with your Daddy as well
- you are spoiled with love from all of your family and got more gifts than we could ever need
- you give the best hugs
- your kisses are wet and sloppy and I love them
- You are unique, one of a kind and a special little boy.
You are the best little guy we love and adore you. Thank you for being our son God has blessed us more than we could have hoped or dreamed and it will be amazing to see what the future holds! Love you little guy!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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