Pierce, Today we found out that you are going to be a big brother around August 9 or before. Right now Mama is in shock b/c I just can't believe that we are going to go through a pregnancy again and I can't imagine how I'll love your little brother or sister as much as I love you. Part of me doesnt' feel ready. I'm not ready to split my time from you, I'm not ready to not have you be the first priority in my life other than Daddy and Jesus. I'm just not ready. Today when I was thinking about it it dawned on me... well thats why God gives you 9 months to get ready. So I will be ready and I know you will be the best big brother. You will love your little baby so much I already know b/c of how much you already love other kids. Daddy can't wait for you to have a playmate and he is thrilled. I know it will be ok its just very scary. Right now there are lots of sad things going on with the family and I feel guilty for having this little blessing in my life right now, besides you, when there are people who are trying and want a healthy baby so badly. But all the same God chose us to have this baby and we will love and adore him or her as much as you.
Pierce you are almost a year old and you truly are the light of our lives. You are just a funny little monkey. Today you woke up grumpy and I had put the tree up last night. So I told you to hold on and I plugged in the lights and held you up to see the pretty tree. You literally awweed and ohhhed over it and did you big old baby grin. You loved it. I love you Pierce. I really love you with every single beat of my heart. I love when you toot and laugh like its the best joke in the world and you do it again, I love how you jump off your rocking chair and land on the floor only to get back up and do it again, I love how you take alllll the tupperware out of my drawers and pots and pans out of the cabinets, I love how you chew on my cell phone cord, Ilove how you run from me when I come after you, I love your fake laugh you do and how you mimic our laughs, I love how you sing when your animals sing to you or when I sing to you, I love how you run to me with your arms up when I come home after being away, I love how you give me big wet slobbery kisses, I love how you yell mama when your scared sad or hurt, I love how you have to have your monkeys for bed and nap time and you carry them around by the tail in your mouth, I love how you just started clapping and you love to do it all the time now, I just love every single little piece of you Pierce and I wouldn't change one moment of my time with you for anything in the world.
This next year of your life is going to change so much and I can't wait to take this Journey with you and Daddy. we love you so much little guy and because you are so amazing I know that our next child will be just as wonderful. Thank you for being my son. Thank you for loving me and Daddy unconditionally. We love you and we hope time slows down so i can drink every moment in that we have with you.
I love you son aka Big Brother!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
1 comment:
Congratulations! What a blessing. I'm so happy for you and will be praying for peace in your heart about this new addition that's coming. I know you'll be ready and will have just as much love for the new baby as you do for Pierce! Again, congratulations :)
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