Baby bear you are now over 7 months old and have crossed some more milestones...
- you can crawl pretty darn well now
- you like to crab crawl where you stand on all fours its hysterical
- you can sit up all by yourself from the crawling position! You rock!
- you sleep perfect through the night and take LOTS of naps (knock on wood)
- you are eating some more table food from mama!
- you laugh ALLL the time
- you pull yourself up on everything its sooo funny!
Son you really are what makes my day better. You are my little sunshine on a cloudy day and I couldn't love or appreciate you any more!
Lots of things are going to be changing in the next few weeks. On August 22nd mama and daddy will be giving our doggies away. We had to sell the house and no body wants us to bring two dogs that have pit in them. Its very sad because you really enjoy watching them but I know in the long run our lives will be so much easier and maybe one day when we have our house being finished being built we will get you a puppy of your own. We will be moving out of our first house and your first home on August 26th. Its crazy and bitter sweet. Its bitter becuase you were concieved here we prayed and couldn't wait for you to be born here. You were first brought home from the hospital here. Our best friends Rachel and Ramon live next door here. There are so many firsts here and its sad to leave. Its making me cry thinking about it.
Its also sweet because we will be moving about 30 min closer to both of your grandparetns. Daddy will now work only 1.5 miles from home so we can see him all the time when he is on shift. We will have a pool that we will now be able to play with you in. Mama will have to walk up stairs every day so hopefully I can lose those last 10 lbs. We will be starting over which in and of itself is kind of sweet. We are purging all of the yuck and old stuff that cluttered our lives and starting fresh and its so sweet that you will be part of it.
So here is the time line:
August 22, 2009 - say goodbye to the doggies
August 26, 2009 - move all of our belongings into a storage unit
August 28, 2009 - close on our house.. our home is no longer ours
August 28, 2009 - move in with grandma and grandpa bell
September 9, 2009 - finally move into the condo for the next year and see where life takes us from there.
The first year of your life will continue to be a wild one but hopefully things will slow down shortly. Well I love you son thank you for being the bright spot in my day! Daddy and I love you more than words can say and we hope that when you look back on your life you will be proud of the parents that we were to you! We love you!!!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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