Oh my son you are loads of fun. You now pull up on every single thing that you can get your hands on. You pull up on mama and let go and try to balance yourself. You lasted for 20 seconds yesterday and me and your mimi were shocked! You are just too cute. So we would cheer you on and you would do it again. I love you son so much. You are growing like a little weed and tickles me to death yet makes me sad that you are growing SOOOO fast. I remember just the other day you were in my belly kicking me and going to all my sales meetings with me. I loved that and I miss it. But now I have you to squirm in my arms when I come home from work.
Well Kramer and Lady are now going to stay in the family instead of being adopted out. Daddy's mom and sister are each taking one. So of course Daddy feels so much better.
We are leaving you for the first time with your Mimi and Grandpa Bell this Saturday. Its HUGE! I have never spend one single day away from you and I'm so nervous to do this. But we have to drive 6 hours with the dog to Daddy's sisters to drop him off. I know you woudl HATE the drive seeing that you scream on even a half hour drive. I can't imagine how upset you woudl get for 6 hours. So we are leaving you here. I am excited to have a night or two alone with Daddy but I will miss you to pieces. You are the light of my life. I was talking to a friend today and I mentioned that even though I don't get all the time to myself liek I used to and I'm busy and focused on you 99.9% of the time.. I would NEVER go back to my life before. My life is so much more full with you in it and I never want to change that.
Well thats all for now I love you little baby bear!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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