Hayden yesterday you turned 13 months old. You are the sweetest little boy ever. You have the most wonderful personality and your family adores you. You adore your brother and I think you are pretty in love with your mommy and Daddy. You are sleeping pretty good these days excpet when your pesky tooth is bothering you. You are cutting through your third tooth finally your top right. Hopefully it will be soon but by the time it is you will be cutting in your fourth. The cycle will never end :-).
Once you are finished mostly teething you will be sharing a room with your big brother. Pierce is pretty excited about this and so am I. I think you both will love being in the same room. You love to play together most days and you love to laugh with him. So far you have maybe been punished (told no) a handful of times. By the time your brother was this age he was used to time outs and punishments already LOL. You are just so much more laid back than your brother. We love having one of each.
You LOVE to eat. You are a healthy boy. We can take you to any restaurant unlike your brother because you are perfectly content as long as you have food infront of you. You love veggies and meats and cheese. You are so funny. Poppy Bell calls you bull like because you are very strong and when you want something nothing will stop you :-). You still are not working but you can stand on your own. Daddy and I had a bet that you would walk. I won you still aren't walking and he thought for sure you would be. You still crawl like a crab its hysterical. Daddy gets a little embarressed by it but I think its precious. Your voice is still very very deep and scruffy but to me its music to my ears. You love to play peak a boo and I think your adorable.
You also LOVe you so music. Anytime you hear any music you start beep bopping to the tunes. It is hysterical you love music and you bounce and sway to it. I love that you love music so much. You also love to throw balls. The funny thing is when you throw the ball if its a good one you lift your right leg right after you throw it. I don't know why but it makes me laugh hysterically than of course you laugh. You are such a joy.
I am so thankful that you are my son. God chose me to be your Mommy and I am so thankful. You now say mama and put your arms up. You know who I am. You also will now wave bye. You clap as well. I love you so much little boy. Don't grow up to fast. I don't want to miss a thing.
I love you Hayden
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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