I can't believe you are now 11 months old. It seems like just yesterday you were placed in my arms. You are a beautiful crazy little boy! You have finally poked through 1 tooth. You poked it through on exactly your 11 month birthday! You are have been quite cranky and angry through this teething process but we made it. You are so much though and have quite an attitutde. Sometimes it scares me how mad you can get. I think you get this anger because you are constantly trying to protect yourself or your things from your brother. Who knows hopefully it won't last forver! You are really a loving little boy though when you want to be. You crawl everywehere and you pull up on everything. Well we love and adore you! you are so much fun! Thank you for being out little boy.
Love you forever
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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