Hayen you are my little slice of heaven and I am sooo in love with you. Going from your fourth to fifth month of life has been such a joy. You have developed into a giggling, smiling, happy, joyful, googly eyed little boy. You have these love lights for your mommy like no other and it melts my heart. I might act like it makes me crazy sometimes but secretly I love it more than anything. I love that you depend on me for all of your needs. I am so happy that I can provide it for you. You are a fabulous nurser you are your mommy's boy. I adore you.
Some of your milestones. You rolled over from your front to back and your back to front today!!! You are starting to sit up more and more on your own. You are grabbing EVERYTHING!! You love to put things in your mouth lots. You laugh constantly it is hysterical. You love to smile and talk to me. You are just such a joy.
Little boy Hayden your brother adores you. You adore your brother and I am so thankful! So Pierce is so funny and stuffed a pbj in your mouth. You seemed to enjoy it. Thank goodness it appears you are not allergic to Peanut butter. When we are out or with other people they now can't believe how easy you are. You truly are son. You are just so amazing! I am so thankful for you and I could have never dreamed your personality would be so wonderful.
I love you hayden with all my heart. You and your brother are the lights in mine and your Daddy's eyes. Our lives are full because of you both! Happy 5 months birthday little boy I look forward to thousands more with you! I love you son!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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