I can't believe I haven't written about your 2nd birthday party considering we celebrated it on November 27th! I guess time gets away when you have family and kids and a busy life surrounding you. WEll where to get started. It looked as though it was going to be a very gloomy day but we were (daddy and I) determined to make this your best 2nd birthday ever. I had been preparing for this day for weeks and the last part to do on this day was put it all together!!!
Daddy got home from work that morning and decdied that his boy needed ballons for his birthday and that we needed more food. So off we went we got about 20 ballons half filled with helium and I got more food and home we came to start assembling. The morning started early but it still didn't seem like enough time. We fed you lunch and sent you to bed and Daddy and I were off like mad men!
Up went your bounce house first, than the ballons got tied to tables chairs and trees, fishing polls went out back by the fence, cupcakes were baked, a cake was frosted, cupcakes were frosted and sprinkled, food prepared, decorations set out, baths taken, a baby fed, clothes bough because Lord knows you didn't have a nice outfit to wear for your birthday and before we knew it it was almost 3:00 pm and the party was about to start.
You woke up in a pretty bad mood but started changing shortly after I gave you a cookie. Its amazing what a cookie will do for a grumpy little boy. Than your Daddy opened the blinds in the back and you got to see the party scene. you were blown away. The look in your eyes said it all!! Your first guest to arrive was Kella with her mom Kelley and Josh. You got hugs and you guys were the first to jump on the bounce house what a ball you had.
Some of your guests were: Gracie, Christina, Matt, Nanny Dyal, Aunt Jackie, Nathan, your grandmas and grandpas, great grandma wheeler, aunt terry, Brenda, Ramon, Rachel, Daniel his mom and Shayla, Kerriann, ethan, Xavier and Zach!
Your party was wonderful.
All the adults set out side while you kids jumped, ran, played on the play house, played with the sand, ate and just really had a ball. Your Daddy grilled hot dogs and hamburgers it was delicious. We also had bbq beans, coleslaw, chips, fruit salad, cheese and crackers! After we ate around 5 things quited down and we all came in side as the sun was setting. We sat you p and sang happy birthday to you! You loved it and requested for us to sing it again... so of course we did!!!! After happy birthday cake and icecream eating and cupcake eating we opened gifts.
You got so many wonderful things you are just such a special little boy. All these people came because they love you and you have affected them in ways you coul dnever imagine. That day will go down as one of the most fabulous days from your beautiful smile to your high jumping to you excited gift opening. You really are a special boy and I am so thankful to be your mommy! This day was wonderful and seeing your happy smile and your beautiful face I knew all the hard work, money and time that was put into your 2nd birthday was totally worth it! You are the light of our lives! We love you little boy! Your mommy and Daddy!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
1 comment:
What a great day! Living in Michigan and having girls with a birthday in January, I have no clue what to do when they get older!! Chucky Cheese, here we come! lol
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