You and your potty frog.... have been doing FABULOUS!!!! We bought you the potty frog about 7 months ago for you to try and get used to. You've played with it, pushed it around the house, on the rare occasion in the past peed in it, sit on it, and have even put food in it and than eaten out of it...
Friday June 11, 2010 you decided you were going to use it as a REAL Potty! You came up to me while I was lying on the couch and you started tugging on your diaper and I asked you if you had to go potty.. so you took my hand and we walked to the bathroom. I took your diaper off you set on the potty and you poo pooed and peed! I have never been so happy in my life! YOu than of course flashed me a huge grin, I wiped you, you got up and ran to play. Of course after this we ran to publix and I got you m&ms and a candy jar for a treat everytime you go.
So Saturday all day you had a DRY diaper. You told Mommy or when I asked you said yes and we went to the potty. You pood and peed multiple times on the potty and I have never been so proud! You enjoyed it and you LOVED your treat after.
On Sunday you only peed on the potty twice but you know what thats ok. I don't want to pressure you because your not even 18 months yet! But I am so proud of you! You are growing leaps and bounds and growing up right before my eyes! I just want you to know that you can trust me and i will help you go potty whenever you need to! You are the greatest little boy ever!
WE are in your last week of swim and I am so thankful because this has been a huge commitment! You are more scared of the pool at our house but thats ok. We have been practicing with you and have decided the best way to practice is to throw you in basically or push you over the side and give you 7 seconds to float! Because technically thats what will happen. And you know what you FLOAT ON YOUR BACK! You do GREAT! I am sooooo THANKFUL that we have been able to put you in this. Really your Grandma Bell paid for it and I know that this small investment potentially SAVED your life! I love you little boy!
you and your love of singing. I never want to change the musical aspect of you! You love to sing and you sing beautifully! At your grandmas you have found a hot pink small weight and you sing in it every chance you get. At your house you have a hot pink tooth brush holder that you sing in! You love it and we think its adorable! You really are the coolest little kid in the whole wide world!
You are certainly coming into your own and have started say lots of new words!
Here is your word list!
-rock (for rocking back and forth)
-wawa (water)
-more (also do this in sign language)
You are doing soo well! You also have cut lots more teeth and I think you have all four of the front top and bottom in! You are eating more as well.
Last night was the first night that I didn't give you a night bottle! It was very hard for me but we have started a WONDERFUL routine that I hope we do for many years to come. I take you into your room turn off the lights and turn on your lamp. We than rock and I read you a short bible story and we sing Jesus Loves Me. We than say our prayers with hugs and kisses afterwards and I lay you down! You went right to bed without a peep! I love you son! Honestly I look at you or even think of you and my breath gets caught because I am the most blessed mama in the whole world to have you as my son! I love you!
This...This is 55
6 months ago
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