Life....: Double Ear Infection

Monday, November 16, 2009

Double Ear Infection

OH little boy. You officially have a double ear infection. You started with a fever last night and then were up ever 3 hours whimpering.. good indicator of ear ache. I took you in today and I was right. You are amoxicillin. Hopefully this will be cleared up before we know it. You love your antibiotics I think you like the taste you are sooo silly.
-You now have four teeth... 2 on top 2 on the bottom.
- You run instead of walk
- You weight a little over 21 lbs
- You LOVE other little kids and would rather play with them then by yourself.
- You Love to talk constantly you are very loud especially since your ears have been hurting you are even louder I think its cause you can't hear as well LOL
- You are the silliest little boy I know I laugh so hard when I'm with you cause you make me you are too funny.
- You run into my arms for big hugs lots of times throughout the day.
- I love you little boy you are pretty great. I can't wait to give you a brother or sister one day. You will be a great big brother.

Gosh don't grow up to fast little guy we want to keep you as our baby for a little longer....

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