Kylee Bell you are one of the most wonderful gifts that I have been given. I just adore you to pieces and you are the best baby in the whole wide world. You are far better than your brothers ever were. You make me smile when I just think how lucky I am that I have you. You look an awful lot like your brother Hayden. So we think you will take after him. Not sure. You sure are a beauty and great sleeper and I know one day will be my best friend. I adore you little girl.
Pman jus tsaid the funniest thing. Hayden tooted in the tub and it was very loud and deep as Pman is walking out he suddenly asks... "mommy!! Is there a hungry lion in there" LOL I about died laughing and of course told him no son your brother tooted. SOOOOO funny. I wanted to remember this. I love you boys!